Reviews for Effects and Side Effects
mumphie chapter 17 . 12/1/2022
Okay, a few paragraphs up there is an example of a totally wrong word used in a sentence.. It's where Ginny kissed Harry and "...vanished back into the help." (I assume house) I realize that typos happen, and wrong words occasionally also happen, but you have quite a few missing words and wrong words in sentences. You do so well, and then they appear and it is jarring. What I hope is that you will come back to this and clean it up. If you do so, I think that you will have a wonderful story...that is if you hurry up and change Harry back! It's one thing to have see what it is like for a few weeks, but having him learn about HIS monthly cycle? Erg.
PLEASE let Harry become a boy again, and before school starts. I don't know id you think it is a great psychological point, a funny thing for a boy, or you are setting it up for them all to become pseudo-lesbians because you think that is a good thing. again, Harry is hard wired to be a boy, the girls are hard wired to like boys. Please set it to rights.
mumphie chapter 15 . 11/30/2022
I hope that you can use the animagus version of the male Harry as you hinted. Perhaps the female isn't the dominant, and Harry can learn to be himself soon?
mumphie chapter 14 . 11/30/2022
I REALLY hope you plan to reverse Harry. I don't like that your female characters continually are pushing Harry to BE female. In an earlier chapter you had Hermione pushing for him to wear make-up. Not all females wear make-up, wear dresses, or heels - yet you have them pushing it and teasing him. Not cool. Not good. The girls are hard wired to like boys, and the only boy is hard wired to like girls. It's not the same thing to be straight and be okay with being married to the same sex. Just no. The characters are already set, plus YOU have them set. So I do hope you will let him become himself again.
mumphie chapter 8 . 11/29/2022
The way Hermione pushes and is controlling seems not very uplifting for Harry. Does she just want all things to be her idea? I don't think i would have handled it as nicely as Harry did.
crashthisnow chapter 6 . 11/4/2022
It started with a really interesting concept but sadly it ends up reading like an essay rather than a story.
KayBiJay chapter 1 . 10/20/2022
One of the few things that bother me is the animagus transformation being hard to focus on to keep up. Peter Pettigrew was able to do it for 13 years, even if they are new at it, it shouldn't be that hard to hold
khatre chapter 14 . 10/17/2022
Am I dumb or did I miss exactly Why Harry blew up the TARDIS room? cause aint nobody talking about it.
khatre chapter 10 . 10/16/2022
I hope this is not like all those Ranma fics where everyone and god tries to convince Ranma that it is soooooo much better being a girl than a boy and that "she" had better get used to it already ...
khatre chapter 9 . 10/16/2022
despite what his tiddies may say Harry still thinks of himself as a Male and would probably prefer to continue to be called a male as long as possible ...
khatre chapter 8 . 10/16/2022
the infinate expanded spaces is kinda goofy and the time spent on talking about said goofy infinite expanded spaces ? .. kind of a waste of time .. just sayin ...
JimSilver chapter 37 . 9/29/2022
This has been a truly incredible, wonderful fan fiction, it’s everything I’d want to see in Harry and the girls making a good life, the ministry coming on board and Dumbledore told some truths! I’m very jealous of Harry being able to both switch genders and have such wonderful (sexy!) relationships!
Please come back and finish your wonderful story!
Will the potion be seperate the weddings? Do they need to wait for Ginny?
Voldemort must have thin support by now: protected civilians, no bankroll, goblin takeover failed, horcruxes gone, death eaters removed…. So close to the final showdown and the sweet sweet afters of better world, babies, relationships …. Can’t wait!
Jimbocous chapter 36 . 9/22/2022
Thanks for a great read so far! Sure hope you'll find your way back to this at some point.
TLD110166 chapter 19 . 9/20/2022
How much longer until Harry goes back to being male full time, and is never female again? Also, are you going to finish this?
GenieM chapter 37 . 8/3/2022
Please please please finish !
Rogue7 chapter 37 . 7/25/2022
Really enjoying the story, I hope there's more to come
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