Reviews for Over At the Frankenstein Place
EnragedTiefling chapter 3 . 11/1/2023
I just wanted to tell you that I read this fic for the first time over a decade ago, around 8th grade, and it's what introduced me to Rocky Horror as a concept and made me want to see it. This week, at the age of 26, I saw the movie for the first time in a theater, interactive crowd and all. Thank you for introducing me to it
And afterward I had to seek this fic out again now that I know RH better- I'm so glad to find it again, and it genuinely held up.
Stormshadow13 chapter 3 . 6/6/2022
Very fun story.
Common-Sensed chapter 3 . 10/26/2021
As a huge KH fan and a HUGE Rocky Horror fan this was such a joy to find and read. I first discovered this fic around 2009 I believe, It really struck a chord with me and the writing style was very refreshing and vivid! I could picture every fun little detail. I haven't forgotten this fic since and every time I think about it I come back to re-read and I enjoy it every time! Thanks so much for having it up all these years, don't know if you're active anymore but if you happen to see this hope it brings a smile to your face to know I've been coming back since forever ago. It's definitely a comfort fic for me. It's too dang cute!
WindRush chapter 3 . 10/29/2013
I freaking love this story so much. Like I don't know how to explain it in other words but this is just utterly fantastic. I never get tired of reading this story!
SinsofMidnight chapter 2 . 3/8/2013
I absolutely LOVE you! This is freaking genius -and this is coming from the girl who not only went to two showings in a single October but owns the freakin' DVD!

Seriously. Axel Drag HOTNESS. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's figured out the formula! ;)

Not to mention, the plot flows, the characters are believable... and the fantasies were friggin' sexy The audience participation lines made me reminisce (because of course I never read this in October)... but I missed the hazing of the virgins, lol That's the only thing that could have made this any better.

You are made of awesome.

Guest chapter 3 . 8/29/2012
I totally loved this
Reiyla chapter 3 . 1/6/2012
I've never seen Rocky Horror, however, I am now going to.
Wallfox chapter 3 . 7/20/2011
Sp awesome took me awhile to figure out that the play was Rocky Horror picture show though! Love that movie!
Moxie Danger chapter 2 . 6/5/2011

I've read this story at least 8 times already and I love it more and more each time :D I got the Dvd, I went to the play when they came round to Singapore. I thank thee for introducing Rocky Horror to me.

I have so far introduced it to everybody who'd listen to my blathering. And just, gah. I love this, there's honestly not one critique I can come up with. Give me your imagination \(*_*)/

But yes, I'll prolly read this again tomorrow :D

Have a nice day!
Conigliomannaro chapter 3 . 6/5/2011
Oh dear, I may be in love with you a little over this. I've seen and listened the Rocky Horror so many times by now, and this story was just spot on for me. I'm pretty sure I can't say anything that hasn't been said before in all the reviews you've got on this so I'll cut this short, I just wanted to tell you that this thing kind of made me squeal a little at some points, and grin a lot at the end. Thank you for writing it.
XCiViLwArX chapter 3 . 5/11/2011
Omg im such a huge rhps fan i cant believe u did this i loved it all ur cast was perfect for their roles specially Axel who is the bomb in drag lol. Fantastic job
LovesickPanda chapter 3 . 4/30/2011
I will NEVER be able to think of Rocky Horror Picture Show without thinking of Axel as Frank-N-Furter EVER have corrupted me, be happy! :) lol
Hyperpegasi chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
I don't think his face was the main issue, Roxas. XD
PetrraPan chapter 3 . 3/4/2011
I just relived that movie all over again. :D You did wonderfully and this was so fun to read. :]
key2myheart13 chapter 3 . 2/23/2011
I loved this story!

I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the 1st time a few days ago because of this fanfic and OMG! It was great! I loved it!

I can't stop doing the Time Warp or singing Sweet Transvestite! XD

My aunt actually wants to go see it in the theater with me sometime soon and I can't wait!

I had to reread this whole fanfic and review it's awesomeness and thank you! XD
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