Reviews for All Work and No Play
Anng chapter 7 . 11/27/2012
Why am i getting the feeling that she doesn't love him much...?
kinsano chapter 12 . 9/25/2012
I forgot to mention this when I reviewed chapter 13, but was is the deal with Edward's friends? I've had all kinds of theories: like they're really deep in the BDSM community, or that Edward's had gay relationships in the past and doesn't want Bella to find out... The suspense is killing me!
kinsano chapter 11 . 9/25/2012
I love this dirty, sweet version of Edward! I want to smack Bella upside the head for hurting this wonderful man! For someone afraid of him leaving, she's doing a great job of driving him away!
kinsano chapter 13 . 9/25/2012
Jeez! Both Bella and I just left hanging! I hope you finish the story! I didn't notice the last update date until I was already invested in this otherwise I wouldn't have started it... I am enjoying it immensely and think that it has great potential! I really, really hope you finish it!
kinsano chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
Holy crap was that hot! And then stern Mr. Cullen gets all cuddly afterward?! STFU!
Babe Pryor chapter 13 . 9/7/2012
OMG Domward lives, and Esme is going to bag Carlisle...Elizabeth is a frigid bitch..there. I got that off my chest...It'd be nice to give Bella a titch of confidence, her wishy washy I'm not worthy approach is getting a little annoying..just sayin...I can't wait until we find out Esme and Carlisle are 'comforting' each other..xx
Babe Pryor chapter 2 . 9/6/2012
great! Is this a domward? ? got 2 go 4 now...xx
staceycullen chapter 13 . 6/14/2012
Its been a while but I guess I did or didn't add you to my favorite story. Love this story and I hope you finish.
TrueSkye chapter 13 . 5/25/2012
Nooo! Where did you go? Come back to us, herinfiniteeyes, come ba-a-a-ack!
TrueSkye chapter 9 . 5/25/2012
Oh sweet mercy of freak!
TrueSkye chapter 3 . 5/24/2012
Hottest sex yet!

WOW! Nit a very eloquent review, I know, but I'm still panting over here ;7
lovemesometwi chapter 13 . 4/24/2012
Is this the end? Will this be completed?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/12/2012
I love it
Rainy79 chapter 13 . 2/12/2012
ok, first off, i read a LOT of fics, and you write the hottest lemons i have ever read! I seriously don't think i'll be able to even look at a lemon in the grocery store without needing a panty change. Second, PLEASE come back and finish this!
KendaLanae chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
Oh my god! The last part of the chapter was so freaking sweet! I

wish someone would say something like that to me!
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