Reviews for Piano Lessons
SelmiCc chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
hahaha great chapter!

Can't wait for the next!

Update soon.

Selma xx
Fluent in Sarcasm chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
yeay finally, and on a piano! nice x
eviltigereye chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
omg! it really is another new chapter! i love it btw!
jansails chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
I never knew I wanted to have sex on a piano, beside a piano, near a piano, within site of a piano, before this...Pianoward owns me ;-b

dancnstacy09 chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
FINALLY! Sexual tension has been released! I can't wait to see what else you come up with for these two...
cshorte chapter 15 . 6/29/2010
That was just HOT! Is is bad that I'm a little jealous of Bella having sex with pianoward at a piano bar?
bklover08 chapter 14 . 6/27/2010
I absolutely loved, loved this chapter, the music lesson, the call from Garrett, Bella-itis, and their charming date. This was just fun and giddy and sweet! Now, on a more serious note, wtf is an angry clam? or do I really not want to know? ;-)
RobPattinsonLover13 chapter 14 . 6/26/2010
OK ui read this story up to i think chapter 10 and kind of got caught up in other stories, sorry! but now u have another loyel reviewer and i can't wait for the next chapter! LUV YA ~ Kamara
latuacantante4him chapter 14 . 6/26/2010
Finally, a date. *big grin* I wonder where he is taking her? Enjoyed it.
Taz65 chapter 14 . 6/25/2010
I don't often get to review because I read my fanfic on my Kindle but I had to go find a computer so I could tell you how much I am loving your story. Your writing just flows and pulls the reader along with it. You are the bestest!

Also, you have to spill about jandco's brother and the angry clam! You can't say something like that and not explain! :)
melliegirl13 chapter 14 . 6/22/2010
This story is soooo good! I am totally excited for the next chapter! I really wanna see what Edward has in store for Bella on the rest of their date. I am so happy that they finally have their date too... Keep up the great work and update soon please! :D

rockiestwitwin chapter 14 . 6/22/2010
YAY for Piano Lessons :) Loved this babe :) So fun with the date and the Garret time and just everything!

Love that they are getting to know each other better and I can't wait to see more as their relationship progresses! Also hoping for a super hawt lemon?

Love you bb! Keep up the great work!


bornonhalloween chapter 14 . 6/22/2010

Wow, I didn't know that about white jeans! They are big sellers... hmmmm.

I loved this chapter and loved this date. Can just picture Edward's PB cookie ecstasy face. Sushi was a great idea for a date. I cannot wait to see where he's taking her, and I love that he's having some input about the date.

Thanks for writing!

Legna989 chapter 14 . 6/22/2010
Nice skewering of a few Twilight and Twific cliches in this one. Bella asks Edward out. She opens his door (rather hilariously). The waitress is attentive, but not obnoxiously hitting on Edward while he's clearly on a date with Bella.

And hey, they were actually able to have a couple of pretty normal interactions. After Bella's rather unceremonious blurting of the dinner invitation, the lesson went well. And dinner was good-flirty but not overly suggestive, getting-to-know-you serious without being overly heavy.

Now what does Edward have planned? Because I'd be all for Bella's idea of making out and sex on the piano, js.

Thank you for writing.
Legna989 chapter 13 . 6/22/2010
You do dialogue so well. It's the way my friends and I really talk. Or would, if we were cooler.

I particularly loved this: "A guy and a girl like each other. He's got hang-ups, she's got issues. Hello, the Human Condition." Hahahahaha. And so true. And a universal summary of just about any Twific.

Thank you for writing.
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