Reviews for Stanford
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2019



KingsIndian chapter 100 . 3/4/2019
Wow, that's a pretty hectic flight - but a good thing it's all over now!

Poor Augustine - but more than that, poor Fergus :( .

Nice work - and it's great to be caught up with this at last :D !
KingsIndian chapter 99 . 2/26/2019
Yay, good to see everyone's all right :D !

Nice work - and congrats on getting this far :) !
KingsIndian chapter 98 . 2/26/2019
Wow, poor Cassidy :( ! Seems like nothing's going right for her at all.

Good work, though!
KingsIndian chapter 96 . 1/18/2019
Wow, poor Émile :( !

Good work, though. Let's hope the bomb situation gets resolved quickly...
Goldenshroom chapter 96 . 8/14/2015
I'm so glad you went through Emile's arrival to the Hoenn beaches like from ORAS! Another great reference to Looker's misadventures though I really want to know what happened to him in the games! o.o

Terrible injuries that Emile, Jake and Cassidy received; however, it's nice that they met up with the great Prof Birch. xD Swampert is indeed adorable! Love how she blushes too :P

Excellent chapter as always! Also the get-together of characters is always sweet so it's nice to see a reunion of Emile, his friends and Birch! Keep it up and I'll certainly look forward to the "bomb" chapter next. o.o Too much trouble goes on in Hoenn...that's for sure.
KingsIndian chapter 95 . 2/9/2015
Nice work :D .

Now that I've finally caught up, I'll look forward to the next chapter!
KingsIndian chapter 94 . 2/2/2015
Poor Émile :( ! Still, it was lovely of Cassidy to do all of that, and I hope he gets better soon!
KingsIndian chapter 93 . 1/14/2015
Wow, another of those evil cliffhangers? XD

Anyway, nice chapter!
Golden Shroom chapter 95 . 1/12/2015
You sure provide a great change by the end of each chapter, don't you? :P

Anyways, GREAT chapter! I can see that you worked really hard on this one with the amount of details. Kudos for getting Lysandre into the action too! He sure seems very mysterious and almost cold-hearted as he was in the games. o.o

The chapter starts really sweet with the interactions between Emile and Cassidy - though it's great to see more development for Cassidy herself. She sure got herself out of trouble along with the help of Garchomp (and her disease too!)! I enjoyed reading through the chapter and it's great to know that Emile was feeling better...until they all got food poisoning. xD More surprises!

Reading through this chapter just makes me want to reread the whole story again and I will indeed get to that! Keep it up honey! :) Loving it!
KingsIndian chapter 92 . 10/30/2014
Good work :D . It's always nice to meet new characters - and I hope Francois and Emilie are able to communicate better soon :) !
KingsIndian chapter 91 . 10/30/2014
Nice :D . I'll look forward to seeing what happens when they get there!
KingsIndian chapter 90 . 10/2/2014
One of the best chapters for a long time. I'm glad everyone's taking care of Emma!
KingsIndian chapter 89 . 9/30/2014
Wow, poor Emma :( . I hope they're able to sort her out.

Looking forward to catching up and seeing what happens!
KingsIndian chapter 88 . 9/21/2014
Wow, that was a long chapter! Well worth the read, though, because plenty happened in it!

I look forward to catching up to the latest chapters :D.
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