Reviews for Drivin' Me Insane
Luana LS chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Hmm... I never thought of Jiraiya so, but it was not bad. I liked.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2013
I LOVE THIS STORY! You are so awesome at this!
* Claps like a maniac*
Alice Uzumaki chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
I say this to every story I really like, but I'ma say it anyway: I LOVE THIS STORY! I never thought of Jiraiya and Hinata getting together (I will admit this, I have thought of Jiraiya and Shikamaru and also Jiraiya and Kiba... why I have no idea), but I love it now because of this!
Yu Nguyen chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
Nice! I love this paring. Age doesn't matter, loveeeeeeeeee matters
Lucyole chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
i love it it was really interesting and good
Captain Grin chapter 1 . 11/15/2009

*still spazzing*

Okokokokok! Awesome! I love the ending, so much! OK! Bye!
berry0chan chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
What a bold move... cute story. Loved it when Hinata, the utmost shy girl makes the first move ;)
Loving-Chakra chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
It was an odd pairing. Which is why I read it and loved it!

Though I would sugest that the rating be T.

I didn't seen much of anything that would represent M.

Good Job !
Alyondria chapter 1 . 1/27/2009
So sweet, I'm glad Hinata has someone who appreciates her, Naruto is nice but he's too dense when it comes to Hina.
Lady-Nameless chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
I'm not a fan of Naruto, but I wanted to see your writing style and I do know all the characters (blah, my little cousin has all the games, y'know?), and I must say, you're a really good writer O I expected it from you, however XD Because your reviews tell me that you totally get me.

I love the emotions you play out between them and how the descriptions flow with their emotions. It's really sweet, and it refreshed me. My heart's usually filled with the scars of romance or the attraction of it, not the fuzzy warm feelings (I lost such feelings a while ago), but this made me fuzzy and warm.

Honestly, couples that aren't hinted at don't even need a reason to be paired. Who says feelings are something we can control or even explain? It's NEVER intentional. Our feelings for someone just happen.

I laughed at this line out loud:

"SHE'S kissing me. She's kissing ME. She's KISSING me?"

The different tones of it was realistic to me, lol. The first line, is in disbelief of who it is kissing him. The second one is in disbelief that it's HIM who she's kissing, and the last one is in disbelief that they're even kissing.

Haha, anyway, I enjoyed myself.
28Krisla chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
cute :3

like i told you before, i never had imagined these two as a couple, but it's really cute )

congrats _
InadequateJusticex chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
Aww..sweet story _ there really should be more of this couple..Thanks for making a jiraxhina fanfic !
NotaPunk chapter 1 . 11/14/2008
demon scream chapter 1 . 11/14/2008
Aww so cute! Poor Naruto but that's what you gat for ignoring sweet little Hina-chan. I love how you made Jiraiya-sama. It was great I especially liked the ending hehe. I always enjoy reading about a brave Hinata. Awesome one shot.

Demon Scream