Reviews for Empty House
Ruth Rose chapter 13 . 3/15/2009
that was absolutly fabuluos great. hope that you update soon.
CyberMiguel chapter 13 . 3/15/2009
Wow!...nice chapter!. this story is getting more interesting by the minute!.. ahhaha,..

Hey...talking 'bout armageddon...prepare yourself for the imminent zombie holocaust that is coming...hahahaa (you wouldn't believe the ammount of people I've heard saying that). xD
Yah chapter 12 . 3/14/2009
This is a thing of beauty.

Please update! :)

Had-a-good-run-but-I-grew-up chapter 12 . 3/9/2009
I'd like to think all this will show Yamcha to be worth more honor than he has thus made himself in the past, but then again, that just wouldn't be fun now would it? '_

Stories on this site often touch on how the characters couldn't cope without each other but few actually put this theory to work. I feel a very special originality to this story and I was actually glad when Bulma still didn't remember after the senzu bean. You know there's plenty to be had out of this story and I'm glad your not making a quick patch up to be over and done with it all.

Best of luck with future chapters, I'll be reading _
melbulma79 chapter 12 . 3/9/2009
I love this story, I have been fallowing it.

I feel so bad for Trunchs and Vegeta, Balum does not rember them and what will they do know.

Yamcha is shorly going to use it to his to his avantuge.

pleas go on with the story.
Nephilim-Princess chapter 12 . 3/8/2009
omg poor vegeta and trunks dis is going to be real hard for them. that was really a great chapter and i feel the same way as obsession18 my heart sank too when she didn't remember but it sank even more when she asked for yamacha, i really feel it for vegeta and trunks.

oh and after i finish reading ur story i had a crazy idea that after a while bulma found out she was pregant(with vegeta's child of course)and that would make things so much more complicated but its jus a silly anyway great chapter can't wait for th next one.
Obsession18 chapter 12 . 3/8/2009
that was an excellent chapter, and i knew that you wouldn't leave it off with everything being find or else where would the story go! haha my heart sunk along with gohans when he heard the news, even though i was anticipating that answer. there's proof, if i feel real emotions from the story than that means your doing a wonderful job getting the reader into the story. very good job. keep it up and i will be waiting patiently for your next chapter :)

XkillingXlonelinessX chapter 11 . 3/7/2009
oh god. that almost made me cry.
katsumi chapter 12 . 3/7/2009
yamcha? poor vegeta... great chapter...
hana-chan chapter 12 . 3/7/2009
ahh... poor veggie... thanks for updating... i'm so looking forwardc for the next chapter...
Metal-Man chapter 12 . 3/7/2009
Good chapter. The Yamcha thing definitely came up as a surprise, I think that Vegeta finally blowing the gasket (It's inevitable! You gave out too many hints to this even throughout the story! You can't back down on it now! :)) will happen once catches wind of that.

Make him go totally ballistic a-la Brolly or turn into a rage induced SSJ3 berserker mode or something along these lines.

Only to be stopped by Bulma at the end (*Sniff* *Sniff*).

LOL, anyway, great job and update soon!
CJ chapter 12 . 3/7/2009
No! That's not good. Not good at all. Can't wait to see Vegeta's reaction for the news.
dbz maineak chapter 12 . 3/7/2009

OMG hurry up and add i cant wait to see what happens!
botanbutton chapter 12 . 3/6/2009
Yes! A new chapter!

Excellent by the way. I'm glad Bulma is all healed up but its not gonna be easy for anyone since she can't remember. I like how you are making every bad possibility happen. She's asking for Yamcha, its like "oh god". Is Vegeta gonna find out, if he does how will he react? I'm thinking all of that right now. I can't wait for the next chapter! _
XxKuroyoxX chapter 12 . 3/6/2009






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