Reviews for Broken
PrioritiesSorted chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
Again, a beautifully excecuted story. Don't know why you lack any confidence, and I am incredulous that you don't have more reviews for your stories.

I would say the person who died was Draco, but in the end it doesn't matter - it's still so touching. The ambiguity of it actually really well portrays all the people who died in the War.

Keep writing!

Lplli xx
parselslyth chapter 1 . 12/4/2008

Is it Draco who died? It was not entirely clear, purposefully I assume.

You captured the emotions perfectly and I loved that it was written in first person - it seemed to add depth to a story that was already an amazing read.

Keep writing. I don't usually read one shots, but this was quite profound.

Well done.