Reviews for Dead Ahead
Hbffrh23 chapter 33 . 10/25/2024
Oh no! It’s 2024. I need to know the end!
Guest chapter 33 . 2/16/2024
I know this a long shot. What with this not being updated in like 15 years, but holy cow this story was amazing and really deserves to be finished. Wow just wow. I couldn’t stop reading it, so now that I must I’m very distraught, disappointed and absolutely dying of curiosity. Please, please, please let us know what happened next. Honestly I’m sure you could accomplish a whole series just with the characters and plot points from this one. It’s a terribly heartbreaking shame to leave it like this! If you did perhaps finish and post elsewhere I’d love to know about it! I hope all is well with you and that you find it in your heart to give us the ending this story demands. All my best wishes,
AidualcLupa chapter 33 . 3/9/2023
What a story - incredible! I am thrilled with your style, your talent, your imagination! The additional characters are an endless enrichment and make your story more exciting than ever.
At first I had a hard time with your Sookie: she seems to jump on anything that gives her the slightest attention. She is obviously endlessly lonely. And young, inexperienced, naive - despite telepathy and vampire friends. In that respect, you've continued to write her just as CH and AB. I would have liked a Sookie version that acted more maturely and thoughtfully. There is no "new Sookie" in the sense of "better". Promptly she commits one mistake after the next - and this last one (no to leave with Manolo/being a vampire) could be the turning point. But will I, will your hundreds of fans ever know? For some inexplicable reason, you've withheld the last chapter or two from us. Whatever the reason, I hope you are well and thank you for your time. I enjoyed every minute - and still hope for the finale...
Marie Amelie B chapter 33 . 10/20/2021
Who writes this kind of mind fuck just to leave hanging? Wtf!
Angel chapter 33 . 6/21/2021
I’ve checked for updates for this fic every year for like ten years now. I’ll keep coming back to check. See you soon friend. ️
Midwestmom chapter 33 . 12/13/2019
Phenomenal story! Here’s to hoping you’re able to complete it one day. .
Lbot1979 chapter 17 . 4/29/2019
I honestly think that Sookie Stackhouse might be the dumbest character ever fucking written!... jesus christ she is a retard. I pray her stubbornness gets her killed. Serves the dumb cunt right. Good god I hate her so fucking much. She brings everything on her own fucking head. Then blames "Vamp Politics" which is such a crock of shit. Oh her humanity. Fuck her and fuck her humanity. I wish that she would be turned by the worst vampire ever and then tortured for a 1000 years so maybe, just maybe she wouldn't be such a fucking idiot all the god damn time. Fuck!
randomaok chapter 33 . 1/22/2019
Ahhhhh! Please please please come back and finish this SPECTACULAR story!
sharon sanchez chapter 33 . 12/1/2018
Great story so sad it was never finished. Hope you are well and maybe someday will finish it for us to get our answers on how the story ends.
cbeauvais chapter 33 . 5/16/2018
I have never left a review for any of the fan fiction I’ve read. That being said, this story is by far, my all time favorite. It could easily be a stand alone story. It’s amazing. Even though it’s unfinished, I recommend it to everyone! I just love your work. Thank you.
bakerbabe chapter 33 . 3/12/2018
After ten years, I still love reading this story 3 Thank you
Bella Moon chapter 33 . 8/23/2017
I officially wish I had never come across this fix since it is unfinished . Are you going to finish? Or I'd there a complete version somewhere ? I want to know how it ends ! ! It's been a great read.
Guest chapter 33 . 6/17/2017
I wish you would find time to finish this.
Cass chapter 33 . 10/28/2016
oh I miss this one, Ann if you're out there and you've written anything else, I'd definitely love to read it, please let us all know :) Nothing has stuck with me from my fanfic days like this story!
JillieJoe chapter 33 . 9/24/2016
OK who sent the flower to gran and the wedding dress?
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