Reviews for Dead Ahead
bib2009 chapter 15 . 8/21/2016
But that was the plan, Eric's plan, to have soothe distract victor so Eric could do whatever with Felipe! Mark is intriguing but is he trustworthy and interesting that Doc has a husband and that Hal is a telepath. Very funny re Mr January, much needed lol moment to break the tension.
Tandr23 chapter 33 . 8/3/2016
Do u plan to contin
fundamental blue chapter 33 . 5/30/2016
You know, the very least you could do is just write something up letting us know how the story ends. Even if you don't write it. I know it's been more than five years, but I think a lot of readers would appreciate some closure.

In any case, it's good. Thanks for writing what you did.
deepobsession chapter 32 . 1/22/2016
I find myself deeply upset that this hasn't been updated since 2009... I wish for answers! I especially want to know what's going on in Eric's mind. How does Sookie get out of her current predicament? Who were the exotic flowers from? I find myself wondering why this story was abandoned, with no explanation. So hard to let this go... I'm confident she would of ended up with Eric though.
Ann, it bothers me that I'll never know what happened to you... I hope you are well. x
deepobsession chapter 33 . 1/22/2016
I loved this story. I only wish we could of seen the Sookie and Eric ending...
Buddahs53 chapter 33 . 1/12/2016
I think it would be wonderful if someone would finish this story! I love it.
pacificbuety chapter 23 . 5/28/2015
Please come back
ljpjcg chapter 33 . 3/30/2015
You're amazing story has left me breathless with all the twisty mystery. Although it's been almost six years, I will still hold out hope for a conclusion. Thank you for what you've already shared. Best regards, Lib
cashewhoneycakes chapter 33 . 2/14/2015
What a great story! I'm so bummed that I'll never know how it ends... :-(
Guest chapter 33 . 10/28/2014
Dude... DUDE. DUDE! I love this story so much, on the home stretch, so close to the end. Argh! So disappointed to see it's been five years since you updated. If you ever get the inclination to uodate , please do. Even if it's just bare bones dot points of what you planned to happen in the end. Thanks for such an awesome ride. You characterised the brothers and Amanda beautifully. I was rooting for Mark! Never thought I'd root for the other guy in an Eric and Skokie fix.
kat chapter 33 . 9/18/2014
Omg, please please please update! This is sooooo good u
missy-mae chapter 33 . 4/18/2014
Ah! Such a cruel place to leave it! Please come back to this story! There are so many questions still open! Just about every question actually! I love this so much! Please finish it
lostaloneNY chapter 33 . 3/31/2014
I would do almost anything to see this story finished I am thoroughly enthralled and soooooooo want her to be with Mark!
GypsyNight chapter 33 . 2/28/2014
Ahhh, I can't believe it has ended like this! I have been addicted to this story, so well written and such a complex (seemingly) plot I am dying here to know how you will end it! Amazing story, if it were finished I bet it would go down as one of the best Sookie fan fics out there...what made you stop? I hope you are ok!
GypsyNight chapter 29 . 2/25/2014
The exchange between them all during Clara's healing...hilarious, witty, I love the dynamic between the brothers and Amanda is fabulous. Great chapter, the crescendo is building!
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