Reviews for Dead Ahead
GypsyNight chapter 28 . 2/25/2014
I was pissed at Eric, and surprised as it was the first ooc thing I'd seen him do in this story...and thinking for sure Sookie's choice was made up now. But yes, you're always one step ahead, brilliant. And way more fun for Pam that way, too ;). Poor Clara, though... luckily we know this can be treated even if unpleasant to say the least!
GypsyNight chapter 26 . 2/24/2014
I'm glad Sookie is not actually sleeping around, and she is a bit flakey about being interested in multiple men at once - true to character. But goodness girlfriend, if Mark or Eric flaunted another woman around her the way she floats between them she would be livid ;). I like Mark, although I hope there is some big reveal coming about him as he is a little too perfect. But you have to admit Eric sacrifices so much for her, in the context of what he can and what makes sense in his life, and it's always an uphill battle. Man I'm dying for these two to figure something out in the framework of this incredible story...I know it's not finished yet and anticipating being nervous about how things get left ;). Is it too much too hope a fantastic writer comes back for a little closure after 4/5 years?!
GypsyNight chapter 20 . 2/23/2014
"So if Doc was Dominic, who was Mark, Marminic?" Ha! I was thinking the same thing ;). Such a clever story, I hope to see how it all comes together as I have so many conspiracy theories running through my head...
GypsyNight chapter 15 . 2/22/2014
What a fascinating plot line and tight writing. I find myself drawn to Mark and I never like anyone besides Eric ;). The whole Spanish group are great characters and very intriguing. Such a twisty bunch...
georgiasuzy chapter 33 . 11/26/2013
11-26-2013: This is one of the best fanfics I've ever read and I'd love to know how it ends! Where are you, Ann? You write so well you must be busy publishing your own stuff now, but have mercy and wrap this up in a chapter or two. You can do it!
Thorsminion chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
noamaria chapter 33 . 9/14/2013
Oh nonono! Please let me know how this ends! I'm dying here!

Best fanfic I've read in a loooooong time, and I'm a bit of a junkie. Well done - so talented.

Now please please don't leave me hanging here much longer!

I vote for Mark by the way, I want Sookie to have a few happy years with him. ( Then he dies finally and she'll run into Eric again years later. Eric, who still has feelings. - it has to be Eric in the end :)
Hootiecat chapter 33 . 8/25/2013
8-24-13 I just now found your story. It's a wonderful story and I'm so disappointed it's not completed. You are a great writer. Now that CH has finished the series I hope that you will finish your story. I like your's better than hers. Hers was just such a mess and left Sookie as weak a character as I've every read. Sookie's spark was dumped, her attitude turned and left her with no growth from her past experiences.
How could an author leave Sookie as a piece of trailer trash I'll never understand?
coline75 chapter 33 . 8/18/2013
Margie chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
antoinette.grant.94 chapter 33 . 8/10/2013
Please continue the story
Layla2010 chapter 33 . 8/8/2013
I am on my hands and knees begging you to finish this story! I have never found a TB fanfic to enthral me as yours has, i fear my sanity is dependant on you finishing this marvellous story!
ericfan chapter 28 . 4/1/2013
Its really disappointing that this story was never completed. I cant even begin to imagine where the author was going with this story. Very very disappointing. Its well written and very clever. K love all the characters even vague eric. It would be awesome if she would come back and finish this amazing story.
irishkismet chapter 18 . 3/7/2013
Truly wish this was completed. Such a great story, its sad. Maybe you could let someone complete it for you.
Guest chapter 33 . 2/23/2013
Please finish!
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