Reviews for And If That Don't Work?
ErekLich chapter 12 . 7/30/2023
Even after so many years, this is still an enthralling story. I hope your future endeavors go well.
ArashiNokitsune chapter 12 . 3/23/2023
I find myself coming back to this after a long time I can't help but Wonder where this could have gone up to especially when one day the pilots really learned the rest of the secrets of the Evangelion whether or not in this AU that the Evangelion core actually needs a soul to function or is just simply a Angelic cyborg and all that other crazy that exists in the Evangelion universe, don't get me wrong the free clone hybrids two of which is basically reincarnation via science, a girl which is basically and Angelic human cyborg after a very bad accident or incident whichever you would consider it and the token human versus what is amounting to the apocalypse and a whole ton of Shadow war and plot
Argosy112 chapter 1 . 3/9/2023
Please come back to this one day. It is hilarious.
s.h117 chapter 12 . 5/9/2022
I'm guessing you're not gonna update thus anymore
ArashiNokitsune chapter 12 . 4/21/2020
Will this continue ?
Guest chapter 12 . 3/9/2020
Really fun, I hope it's continued eventually.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/7/2020
Was okay. Then just got fucking weird. And the TF2 tidbits don’t work very well.
Lasse2731 chapter 12 . 12/29/2019
I became curious about this story after I saw a picture on deviantart when I looked at your new Ranma story. and I was not disappointed you are one of my favorite authors I hope you update it soon
James Birdsong chapter 10 . 8/12/2019
I am afraid of the Pilots losing their free will yet at the same time know it is a plot I am looking forward to in the story even though I fear it. My only solace is the thought Insana might not go through it with the context it would setback Science. Sure, anyone with the right drugs and mental programming could make a human into a robot (Slavic use of the term), so surely he knows it would be better to have a cyborg daughter (already calling him Father by the way) than to have a mindless robot with no free will. Science vs science. Science with capital letter would leave free will, whereas science with lowercase letter has mindless slaves. Would does the mad scientist dogma dictate I wonder.
James Birdsong chapter 11 . 8/12/2019
Mwahahaha NERV informed Toji that they would enlist his sister if he bailed, but they never said they wouldn’t enlist her if he stayed. Then again, if left unguarded I suspect those Chinese or whoever are likely to kidnap her to create a cyborg
James Birdsong chapter 12 . 8/10/2019
Good story though I am looking forward to Kiko being cleared to learn the truth about Shinju so they could compare father issues. Neither Kiko or Toji seem to realise how they scrapped against the truth, or better stated dramatic irony occurred. I am surprised nobody listened when Mikki or Iry spoke of merely wanting their family back. Maybe the hybrid women were not clear enough. However I can blame Mikki’s instance due that scene being villain exposition the council weren’t paying their full attention to. Iry though knows all. I wonder if she told everything or not
Reviewer of the West chapter 12 . 7/14/2019
Great story please continue
Kyuubi-dono chapter 8 . 2/23/2019
Just, before I move on and forget.
Toji laughed. "Yeah, it could be worse. Commander Ikari could have just thrown me into an Evangelion and launched me after an Angel."

Kiko snorted again. "The Commander'd never do that. Evangelions are too valuable to waste in the hands of someone totally green."

Oh dear god the irony.
PixieStyx chapter 12 . 12/11/2018
This may sound weird, but... I don't like Asuka's rename. It feels wrong, like, really wrong. I'm sorely tempted to copy and paste this fic into word and replace the word 'Kiko' with 'Asuka'. Because Cyborg Asuka is still Asuka. :/
Jemmos chapter 8 . 3/18/2018
ROFL! asuka: You are neither a girl or a robot dad! Dr. insanea: But I could be!
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