Reviews for Of Rain and Remorse
Firefury Amahira chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Aw... a lovely one-shot that does them both justice, I think. Neither the anime or manga really give us a good look at the man behind the boisterous attitude, and given the way he howled to the sky about it when he realized that corpse was his dad, there's ample reason to believe it hit him a lot harder than he let on to anybody.

If he was to grieve about it, this seems the most likely way it would have happened; he doesn't angst, he doesn't bawl, but this quiet need for /someone/ to just be there in the silence just... fits. A definite favorite!
nakanaka chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
Another gem! I love how human Kamina is in this. Nice work! You capture them perfectly.
handinhand chapter 1 . 12/1/2008
I enjoyed this. It was beautiful