Reviews for Restricted
tracie3275 chapter 6 . 10/31/2024
I love their banter.
Sugar chapter 16 . 5/15/2024
Interesting...unlike your other fic where Tom was a somewhat unbalanced boy plus a sociopath who with love and friendship got a second chance, this Tom is more of a psychopath. He really becomes a villain anyway but one with some "ethics" and less of a tyrant.
I guess he wasn't so horrible about the basilisk, that's why Ginny doesn't hate him and Tom wouldn't terrorize muggle students...does he still kill Harry's parents? I really just didn't kill who Hermione said or anyway it would be dangerous to change too many things.
He and Hermione were cute together it makes sense that she couldn't stay away from first a mystery and then from someone with such a brilliant mind.
Elodie Galvez chapter 16 . 5/12/2023
une belle histoire
Nastya Loktionova chapter 6 . 2/2/2023
Милая глава 6
teegzy12 chapter 4 . 2/1/2022
bloody Dumbledore doesn't he realizes that's a bit odd a random girl just flew out of toms bag lol
Ariasher-R.R chapter 1 . 1/15/2022
Hey, your article was great! That’s great. I love your fan fiction. Can you authorize me to translate all of your fan fiction about Hermione Granger into Chinese Thank you very much!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/27/2021
Actually dumbledore does know about the room. In the fourth book he gave Harry a clue remember
AnnoyingGrizzly chapter 1 . 11/4/2021
I think it's the 3rd or 4th time I read your story, and I love it as much as the 1st !
LucasGilbert chapter 10 . 7/29/2021
As an American the concept of saying you’re sick off work and then expecting more time off when you’re ACTUALLY sick is totally novel to me. What a concept.
Eatgreenapples chapter 8 . 5/29/2021
Loving this!
Guest chapter 16 . 5/7/2021
darth-sakura chapter 16 . 3/23/2021
loved this!
m.a.n.y.a.l.e.o chapter 16 . 12/18/2020
uwuwuwuwu chapter 16 . 12/14/2020
WeasleyIsOurKing chapter 13 . 12/14/2020
? my brain can't right now-
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