Reviews for Not Only No, But
InAnnaCat chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
Thank you for this story. Here is a story idea of mine that I would like you to write. Harry realizes that the dursleys are abusive and he gets depressed and wants to die but not before he punishes the person who put him there. When Hagrid tells him it is Dumbledore Harry wants to die and punish Dumbledore for his hellish life and make him responsible for his death. When it is time to be sorted Harry swears on his life and magic that Dumbledore put him with the dursleys and did not protect him from the dursley and that the dursleys made his life hell and that he would rather be dead than to have the dursleys or dumbledore in his life. Harry then damns dumbledore for his life and his death and causes him to feel all of the suffering he felt at the dursleys. Harry then asks that his magic take his life and his magic complies and he dies.
Dumbledore suffers damnation and his murdered by the teachers and students. Harrys ghost then defeats voldy in his spirit form and destroys the horcruxes and then gets a second chance at a happy better life.
EdTheBeast chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
I Loved this short story. Yes it should start a major story.
Hippothestrowl chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
Brilliant and rare total refusal to participate but the story was spoilt by a lot of silliness that reduced it to pixie hats and anything goes. More Python than parody. Still, a good read in general and original. Most GoF fics have Harry giving way in the end - but not this one.

- Hip
Latarra chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
Nice story.
roon0 chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Wonderful, wonderful stuff. I hope you find it in you to continue this one day.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
Hey Vern, dude, have you thought about finishing this story? That would be awesome! :"D
Monster King chapter 1 . 9/29/2018
Great story
willam and jack and jake chapter 1 . 6/17/2018
loved it well done
Noble Korhedron chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Great story, period.
fraidykat chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
I just reading this which I found on another writer's favorite stories and then read your profile, I enjoyed this one shot and will try a few more or most likely all. I agree with your feelings about Ron, you don't need enemies with friends like him. Thank you for story, and if I was going to rant and rave at you at least I will put my name to it.
10390903-Delete-account-please chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
That was great I liked it.
Bronze chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
As I'm sure you've realized but I'll say it none the less. It's about time the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder's schemes came back to bit him on the arse. As for calling Dumbledore the ol' brainless bearded wonder blunder? What else can you call him?! He's totally failed Harry in canon! The Horcrux hunt from the book was a total cluster fuck before it even began! The idea of camping out in a tent in winter with a summer or fall tent is stupid! Besides that they had no idea where they were supposed to find them! Added to that, he never allowed Harry any training that would allow him to defeat Riddle. Had his oh so bright idea been wrong and Riddle hadn't become mortal after Harry had died during the last battle, just what the bloody hell was his almighty backup plan?! Thus, to me at least, Dumbledore was a Dark Lord masquerading as the Leader of the Light.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Be nice if this story got tagged as abandoned. You didn't write an ending and as you have no plans to include one it's an abandoned fic.
Rebmul chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
well then since we have no hope of ever seeing what happens afterwords and I freaking hate cliffhangers. Lets hope someone takes this and makes a great story out of it.
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Beautifully, beautifully done! Thank you.
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