Reviews for Apples Equals Cyanide Equals Light
Guest chapter 3 . 1/21
This was amazing! The characterisations were just Thank you so much for writing and posting
Lovecat chapter 3 . 1/1
Amazing Amazing Amazing! You are a genius!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/2/2023
Honestly, i don't know what to make of this, feels like a ghibli movies. You cannot explain how, why or what- you just feel it and know it. Did the bad guys win here.. or may be the arc isn't complete yet?
Guest chapter 2 . 6/2/2023
Happy or sad, good or bad, I don't know. Only thing I know is that this addiction should never end.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2023
You're writting drugs author and I'm unsurprisingly addicted to it.
BlackStarMage chapter 3 . 10/24/2022
I think I. In love with your writing, that was fantastic
Every story I've read from you so far has been absolutely fantastic
AngelOfDeath1106 chapter 3 . 5/8/2022
Amazing writing style and awesome plot.

Totally enjoyed reading this work.

The idea of Kira's shinigami appearance being made of marble is absolutely brilliant since Light life itself was a facade over Kira. He lied and put up a perfect appearance to the people when in reality, he was a murderer with a twisted sense of justice. This story really captured the essence of his character.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/20/2021
Miko Eiko chapter 3 . 3/19/2021
Me encantó, había algo morbido pero fue mayormente tranquilo y relajante e incluso divertido. Una combinación maravillosa
Guest chapter 3 . 3/1/2021
this is absolutely fabulous, you're very talented!
Jaylene Olebar chapter 3 . 10/13/2020
What a lovely ending! I'm glad Kira gets his revenge after all
Zero chapter 2 . 7/23/2020
Zero chapter 1 . 7/23/2020
Oh no ...
A Fan chapter 3 . 4/5/2020
Mastuda was your best character hands down. I also liked Ryuk being Ryuk. It was amazing. Thanks for writing this.
heiberry chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
Amazing story. Prose is beautiful and everyone was in-character. Interesting insight into Near as well as Matsuda.
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