Reviews for Der Erlkönig
Guest chapter 44 . 9/28/2022
Thank you for this really great story! I really do love a happy ending!
Guest chapter 43 . 9/28/2022
Great chapter! Loved! the battle! Way to go, Erik! I loved the imagine of complete power, confidence and guaranteed victory I felt protruding off of him throughout! Awesome! Loved it! Thank you!
Guest chapter 32 . 9/27/2022
Always interesting. Especially to see the other half's parallel thoughts after we've heard the other side first. They're connections are forever accumulating and surprising. The last part of this chapter left me with such an indescribable but content feeling! Awesome! Thank you!
Guest chapter 28 . 9/27/2022
I must admit, I love the way your Erik goes through his thinking. He's funny even when the scene is serious. He's got quite the sense of humor!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/27/2022
More and more I enjoy your super creative story! I love the way you put all your ideas in your story together and get them to intertwine within eachothers lives even tho they are centuries apart in existence. Also, how our original beloved story all intertwines. Wonderful. Thanks!
Guest chapter 16 . 9/25/2022
It is very creative the way you have intertwined their lives! The dreams are also a very creative way to show Erik's history! Nadir enters, interfering of course. Lol. Great! Thanks!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/25/2022
Very interesting couple of chapters! Thanks.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/25/2022
Wow! This is quite the story. Very unique and creative. And this chapter has so much in it.
Glad Erik got out, love the "gifts" he received, great way to put his known abilities into the story, and sadly the way he becomes deformed... (hoping then your Erik can become whole again at some point) and interesting his inadvertant reaction to Christine's "birth". Thanks.
JuiceBeetle chapter 44 . 4/18/2022
This was soooo good. I love the supernatural take on this. I'm so sad it's over lol. I typically struggle with longer fics but this story intrigued me and held my attention all the way through. Glad Erik got to put an end to the one who started it all, and make all new memories with Christine there!
JuiceBeetle chapter 33 . 4/17/2022
Uh, did she forget about Raoul being in the cellar? Lmao.
13teddies13 chapter 44 . 8/3/2020
I still love this story, such a beautiful concept. I only wish we could also hear from Christine in the epilogue.
Batty Dings chapter 44 . 7/23/2020
I'm just pleased as punch with this creative, unique and fascinating tale! You put a lot of love into this story and it shows.
Super ingenious concepts here, it's obvious that you were blessed with the inspiration bug while you produced this.
The POV for the characters was written well, you changed the tone and style of wording so it read like that character, which made it more convincing. Erik sounded like Erik and Christine sounded like Christine. That's not easy for some people.

As with your other works, I was sad to come to an end, but a lovely end it did indeed have!
Batty Dings chapter 33 . 7/23/2020
You give him a part of your soul, but claim you don't love him? Girl, you're in denial.
Batty Dings chapter 31 . 7/23/2020
Oh! I love how you revamped and modernized the classic Leroux ending, but with a fantastic high-tech, supernatural twist!

Love the idea of the grasshoppers being tiny, precise explosives. And the cleansing cycle for the torture chamber (that certainly would be a job to clean out now that I think of it.)
Batty Dings chapter 23 . 7/23/2020
I love this Erik, despite being a little unhinged, he's actually fairly reasonable and FUNNY, so so so funny.
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