Reviews for Shadow and Wind: New legends
Nyctophilicme chapter 14 . 4/8/2024
This girl 'megumi' is so troublesome.
Nyctophilicme chapter 13 . 4/8/2024
This is so amazing! I'm waiting for Shikamaru now. I wanna know what & how he's gonna train.
Nyctophilicme chapter 10 . 4/8/2024
Oh shit.
Nyctophilicme chapter 9 . 4/7/2024
Training commence!
Nyctophilicme chapter 8 . 4/7/2024
Team: Oblivion! For the go!
Nyctophilicme chapter 6 . 4/7/2024
I loved Kakashi repehending them both!

But they're going after a hyuuga?! Do you think Naruto's talk no jutsu would do the trick?
Nyctophilicme chapter 5 . 4/7/2024
I love the Naras & Hatake!
Nyctophilicme chapter 4 . 4/7/2024
Kakashi! In for the save!
Nyctophilicme chapter 3 . 4/7/2024
Wtf?! I hate his teammates!
Actually, shika should've known better to leave Naruto alone.
Nyctophilicme chapter 2 . 4/7/2024
Why is this getting scary?
Nyctophilicme chapter 1 . 4/7/2024
I always say that politics & other internal affairs are quite interesting in Naruto. But I love them when shinobi council puts the civilian council in their place.
But it's only getting started!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/28/2023
This trash do better
Kaleb135 chapter 53 . 4/12/2023
That was a damn good story there were a few places that could use touch-ups not that I’m one to comment. I couldn’t write a story like this if you gave me twenty years anyway I don’t know if you’ll see this but this was just a damn good story.
Giorno Giovana loves Pee tee chapter 1 . 1/10/2023
going in with high expectations
Cauldronw chapter 21 . 9/8/2021
Yay hyrra
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