Reviews for The Discovery of Bella Swan
Denij chapter 28 . 6/24/2023
what a beautiful ending.
Patriciadiane chapter 2 . 7/15/2022
Curious where this will go.
Patriciadiane chapter 1 . 7/15/2022
Bella has been dealt a crappy hand for sure. Where do we go from here?
Lullz93 chapter 28 . 6/20/2021
Thank you for writing this! I loved it :)
BellaTesoro chapter 28 . 10/27/2020
Very sweet ending. I'm glad Bella healed and found herself. It was quiet a journey that's for sure but she's better for it. Thanks for keeping the story here!
BellaTesoro chapter 11 . 10/27/2020
Oh come on, what break up? How could Jasper and Bella be broken up when she was out having sex with another girl. How is Bella the victim here at all? No one of them two timed her, in fact she was all mad at Jacob because he was out exploring his own sexuality and got caught by her. I wonder what Bella would have thought if at this same time Jasper was out exploring Edward? idk, this is over the top dramatic but I just have to find out how the heck Bella is going to suddenly become not gay, not bi but fall in love with Edward. lol, maybe he's going to fall in love with Jasper and round and round it could go.
BellaTesoro chapter 10 . 10/27/2020
Ok I'm confused. I get the exploration, Bella's trying to find out who she is and what she wants to be, I'm fine with that. All things point to her being more attracted to Tanya than her exploration with the male Jasper. She made a point of telling him, even though she teased him, slept with him twice, that sex was off the table. She took in his pleasuring her but didn't even attempt to pleasure him, and yet with Tanya, she's all over this/her. She's good to go with having mutual sex, which is fine if that's who she wants to love and have a relationship with but how will Edward fit in to all this? And Jasper and Alice being obviously attracted to each other but she lets that go. WTH? I'm missing something here.
BellaTesoro chapter 9 . 10/27/2020
I think that if Bella is going to continue to explore her options with either male or females, she ought to do it one at a time. It's not fair to those that think she's trying to have a relationship with them. For example Jasper is being led to believe that Bella just needs a little more time and then they will take their relationship to another step. Tanya thinks she's free to explore what it will be like to date a female. I think if she were honest and told them then that would be just fine if they were fine with it too. But I know I would want to know if the person I was pursuing was also two timing at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Bella should settle, just be open and honest is all. And how is it she hasn't connected the dots with Edward/Kate/Tanya?
BellaTesoro chapter 8 . 10/27/2020
So Bella was with Jacob all those hundreds of times she stated and he never took the time to pleasure her and she's never brought herself to the big O either and yet, here she is teasing Jasper in a very erotic way and she knew full well what she was doing to get him hot and bothered, but oh I'm not ready to have sex with you yet, duh, this is sex Bella. I guess she can't blame Jacob for not meeting all her needs either since she admittedly said she'd just lay there and thing of mundane things while he apparently got his happy ending. Why not at least talk to him about it? I guess that's why she's gone all the way to the other side and taking charge and changing herself so she doesn't just lay there and take whatever someone else gives her. I guess I answered my own question. Just seems cruel to get all sexy and turn a guy on and allow him to pleasure her and not give anything back in return. And I'm thinking ahead to when Jasper and Alice do finally get together and her good friend will forever know she's shared these intimate encounters with her, yeah that would be forever bleached in my brain and I doubt I'd be able to be friends knowing that. I'm over thinking all this, lol. Need to find out how this all gets resolved so that the cannon pairings end up together.
BellaTesoro chapter 7 . 10/27/2020
I see now where this is all going. All the mixed up relationships and Bella seems to be connected to them all. Funny how what happened to Bella, dating a seemingly straight guy then finding out he may be gay or bi or what have you is running through as a theme too. Edward does come off as the asshole Bella called him and she doesn't know just how much of a horn dog he is thinking of her when he was with Kate, and himself. Oh college stories...this was keeps me turning the page to see what else is going to happen.
BellaTesoro chapter 6 . 10/26/2020
Kind of awkward that Bella felt some attraction and passion with Emmett's kiss but he admitted he did not. Good for Emmett not leading her on or lying to her. Won't it be awkward for Bella and Rose as Bella admitted she really felt something with him. Bella could have texted Emmett a picture of Rose.
BellaTesoro chapter 5 . 10/26/2020
I can see why Bella is wanting to explore all her options moving forward and she gets confused when she see Tanya and the attraction is instantaneous and Tanya is admittedly gay and on the rebound. Bella on the other hand says she is not gay but I'm guessing thinks she may be bi-sexual and wants to explore that too, well good for her. What isn't good is that she's dating all these people at the same time and it's not fair to them though. Time for Bella to find balance with her notion of being done with caring about what others want and need and putting herself first. There is a good balance for that I'm sure she'll find it.
BellaTesoro chapter 4 . 10/26/2020
Well isn't Bella the social butterfly especially compared to her two roommates. Going back to Jasper's room on the first date sure sounds like she would have been cool with rounding the bases with him but good to know she slowed things down knowing she's not ready to have sex with him.
BellaTesoro chapter 3 . 10/26/2020
Wow, this new Bella is all over the place. I have to admit she's annoying me a bit but I'm guessing this is part of the story plot, young girl, no parents, no attachments and she's ready to find herself. She's gone from being open to new experiences, boys then attracted out of the blue to a girl and finally the professor hits on her?! First professors wouldn't just do that after a few days with a student he knows nothing about but hey makes for an interesting read.
BellaTesoro chapter 2 . 10/26/2020
Go Bella! Graduating all alone after such loss. So who was the only person who clapped at the graduation? It's a good thing Bella wasn't forced into the system since she was still 17 years old. I think finding Jacob with Mike was a blessing for her. Now she is completely free to become an independent woman and not answer to anyone. Although it sounds lonely and sure no one wants to be on their own like she is now, there's something very refreshing and freeing seeing this young woman go cross country, on her own and enjoy the sights and have those memories for herself. She's got time to find connections, looks like her two new roommates with offer just that. Oh and where is Phil? He gave her money for school, why not at least come to her graduation, offer her a home base of sorts as she starts college? At least he gave her some money on her mother's behalf. Loving this story. Hope you still read your reviews after all this time so you know your work is still being appreciated.
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