Reviews for Evolution
AslansHow24 chapter 17 . 3/2/2024
you did a fantastic job of Leonard's evolution from angry, vitter and jealous to moving on and being happy for them.
WeirdLittleStories chapter 2 . 1/1/2024
Leonard Nimoy isn't my god ... but SPOCK totally IS. :-)
HannibalAddams chapter 17 . 6/4/2023
Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing your story with the world.
JadedOne47 chapter 17 . 7/20/2022
This was a great fic. Loved that whils Leonard got jealous, he figured himself out without destroying all his relationships.
curiousluna chapter 17 . 4/17/2021
this was really sweet! the characters felt authentic and the end was very cute
angela340278 chapter 17 . 11/19/2020
I glad you made Leonard come around and made him help get the two together.
Mae Escobar chapter 17 . 11/26/2019
The ending was so cute! I loved it! Thank you so much!
ALRYM chapter 17 . 10/7/2019
This was a really nice story. I enjoyed it very much. You did very well with Leonard. And the way you handled Sheldon and Penny was exceptional. Thank you for writing and sharing this.
ALRYM chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
Snicker... snicker.

I just couldn't stop! A really hilarious chapter.
mrpuppy chapter 17 . 8/25/2019
Awww this is so cute!
TigerCat chapter 2 . 7/21/2019
As an asexual, may I just say we are all very unimpressed with the mitosis cloning comparison.

Otherwise, decently written. I also realize it was from Leonard's POV, but I still hate hearing that.
Inu Tashiro p chapter 12 . 2/26/2018
LOL I really like how you Incorporated Death Note! This is great!
Chippers chapter 17 . 8/30/2017
I've enjoyed this and stayed up later than I intended to finish it.
BrilliantLady chapter 17 . 5/12/2017
I don't mind a bit of Leonard-bashing, especially for fics set after the Arctic Expedition, but it was rather refreshing to read your story where Leonard wised up and became supportive of his friends getting together.
Platinum Blondie chapter 17 . 2/21/2017
I loved this story.
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