Reviews for The Conquered
Echo chapter 21 . 10/7/2004
This part was wonderful,just like the others!And i am looking forward to see the One to appear.
Ivorysphinx chapter 21 . 10/6/2004
I waited to do this till I'd read evrything you'd put in so far. I'm not sure what I can add that you haven't already heard but...

Your prose is tight and you've done an excellent job of switching between a first person viewpoint and a third. Your characterization,within the context of the story itself is likewise excellent. The pacing is very good; you've maintained a good balance between description and action. It's refreshing to read something that doesn't make me shudder and grit my teeth.

I have noticed a problem with your pronouns on occassion but I suspect that's a technicall issue and if it isn't just a typing error, it's a minor flaw that a secondary editor would correct quickly.

I've been reading off this sight for a couple of years now and this is the first time I've actually felt like saying anything to an author. I think you are doing a wonderful job with this piece and I'm definitely looking forward to reading the rest.

With respect,

Tazman1 chapter 21 . 10/3/2004

Its been a while since I have checked on your work and I have to say I am impressed by what you have done so far. looking forward to the next chapter.
Anskiere chapter 20 . 9/6/2004
Great story, nice twists and surprises keeps the story interesting. Also nice look at characters psyche, keep writing I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Damion chapter 20 . 8/24/2004
i like your stories very well writen and an excelent plot an plot twists howeveryou fail to define the one guyver unit please tell me what it is
Earthshocker chapter 20 . 8/4/2004
Another great chapter, this one has to be the most action packed one yet. The good guys finally seem to be getting some serious competition. The new breed of zoalords should finally make the Advents a serious threat to the guyvers again.

I loved the way you portrayed Agito, very Agito'ish.

Also, didn't Agito have a Giga unit of his own? I could swear he did so why didn't he use it?

As for volume 21, I don't have it unfortunately:( but I do know a little bit about what happened in it.

Sho and Hayami fight Evil Aptom for a while and are unable to defeat him. Sho is put out of the fight when a bunch of bat like zoanoids show up whom fire a sonic blast at his control medal which forces the armor to retract. Sho falls unconscious and the zoanoids capture him.

In the Agito vs the three zoalords battle royale Agito handles himself rather well, displaying the ability to control his lower leg even after it has been severed (which he used to kick zoalord Rienzi into one of his own portals into a bunch of hair spikes from Waterfandos).

I got this information from a topic I read several months ago so it isn't 100% accurate and I can't claim credit for it.

I've also heard that volume 22 was released a short while ago but since I only recently got back from vacation I don't know a lot about it yet.

Great chapter, keep up the good work.
Shepherd chapter 1 . 7/27/2004
Hi! The Conquered is one of my favourite 's very good!And I see you are also interested in the comic.I have chapter it isnt in english.I have got it from do you or somebody know if it is a new comic and will be there chapter 22?
Ashaman2 chapter 19 . 7/18/2004
ive finally finished ur whole fic…well at least thats so far written…and OMG itz like mea while to read…not cuz its too long n all…juz work X_x…but its a really good story I like how you made chapters to look in on diff. species situations,and all of the char. POV's were really interesting…but I think u need a chapter on Aptom…like explaining his past, like before Solume and Dyme, would be pretty interesting…like his growing up life and how he got involved with Chronos and al…well im not mucha a talker very often n i dont review many fanfics…but dæm this one iz great…so ill leave it at that…n UPDATE soon…before it wz easier for me cuz I starte4d readin em like 3 weeks ago n i didn have to wait for an update cuz alotta chapters were already there…n yea…so get an update in soon!

Earthshocker chapter 19 . 6/10/2004
Another great chapter. I rarely review and if I do it is only to give some constructive critism.

This fic however, is one of the best I've ever read and I can barely find anything wrong with it. The only thing I can think of is that the story is moving rather slow but seeing as how that is part of your writing style (which is one of the best I've ever seen) I don't really have a problem with that.

I love the plot and how you manage to bring it and the way you devellop the characters is great.

I don't really have anything else to say except keep up the good work and I hope you update soon.
Squall Leonhart3 chapter 18 . 3/29/2004
Absolutely stunning, it just gets better... how do you do it?
This story deserves much more reviews, it's not just a brilliant Guyver story, it is a brilliant story period.
anonymous chapter 18 . 2/21/2004
I have to say, this is one of the best stories I've read here. Hope you update soon.
anonymous chapter 17 . 1/27/2004
Any ideas as to when chapter 18'll be posted? This is one of the best fics I've read here.
Omega Devin chapter 16 . 12/18/2003
Reviews are few and far between now a days, aren't they? I'm not expecting to recorver the reviews I lost with Liberi Fatali's re-write, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make...
Anywho, that's besides the point. I don't think I need to say yet again how awesome this story is, as you've been hearing it from me for the last sixteen installments... Still waiting for the next chapter, as always. Will we be seeing onto before Christmas? *fingers crossed* Gambatane!
Kyheena too lazy to sign in chapter 15 . 9/25/2003
Uwah, where are you? Not that I should be talking, but I could have sworn I left a review for this chapter...but upon reading the reviews I realized, hey, I didn't! *hits self on head* Baka! Sorry for such the late reply, I've been a little scatter-brained as of late (but hey, what else is new?) 9_9

As usual, brilliant chapter, and another great plot twist. What's going to happen next? What does it all mean? It means you have to update and not let us hang anymore! But hey, I gotta admit, you're a whole hell of a lot better at updating than I am... *sighs* .

I'll be awaiting for the next installment, as always. I check the Guyver section daily... Make that twice a day... Three times... Ah heck, I hover around this site like a hummingbird. Update quick!
Squall Leonhart3 chapter 15 . 7/24/2003
Brilliant, kep up the good work... still would like to see more guyver action, I mean real fighting like the Archnaphel fight, that was phenomenal.
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