Reviews for Incorrigible Infatuation |
Currently Blank chapter 13 . 10/1/2015 Man, Marcus is such a beast:D |
Currently Blank chapter 12 . 10/1/2015 Voldemort done messed up now:D |
Currently Blank chapter 11 . 9/30/2015 Awww that last scene was beautiful:D |
Currently Blank chapter 10 . 9/30/2015 Well at least his punishment won't be too bad. Sending him to Azkaban would be a bad idea. |
Currently Blank chapter 9 . 9/30/2015 Really, really don't like Marcus' father! He got what he deserved. |
Currently Blank chapter 8 . 9/30/2015 Man, and I thought Ron was learning. At least Sirius approves, it makes since. He knows better than anyone what its like to come from a dark family. |
Currently Blank chapter 7 . 9/30/2015 I love how supportive Dumbledore is. In most fics Dumbledore is usually the bad guy, it's nice to see something different. |
Currently Blank chapter 6 . 9/30/2015 Well at least Ron has finally started using his head:D |
Currently Blank chapter 5 . 9/30/2015 Marcus is a BAMF! I don't know why anyone would want to mess with him. |
Currently Blank chapter 4 . 9/30/2015 Aww Harry is definitely going to have another conversation with Marcus. |
Currently Blank chapter 3 . 9/30/2015 Awww Marcus is so self conscious. Glad Harry is there to straighten him out though:D |
Currently Blank chapter 2 . 9/29/2015 A jealous Marcus is hilarious:D |
Currently Blank chapter 1 . 9/29/2015 I remember loving this story so much because of the odd pairing, and I'm still just as in love with this story as before:D |
nemosmith chapter 14 . 9/11/2015 I hope you make a sequle to this story I wanna know what happens to Hary and Marcus |
JBubbles chapter 14 . 8/29/2015 Oh wow I love your fics. And your pairings. And the way you make the story work so well with such strong reactions and awesome characters. I espeeeeeecially liked that it was Flint's story that we saw here, and not all the horrors that Harry could've told him about. |