Reviews for Dancing Cheek to Cheek
Souhait chapter 7 . 7/9/2011
Made me cry, thinking that this laugh is no longer alive *-*
Souhait chapter 6 . 7/9/2011
Perfect *-*
Souhait chapter 4 . 7/9/2011
Loved Sirius -
Souhait chapter 2 . 7/9/2011
Loved it ;3
MeggieMoogieMoo chapter 48 . 7/9/2011
Awhh. I love your drabbles. Update soon!

Megan ;) xx
Moony's puppy chapter 48 . 7/8/2011
I hate to admit it but I know exactly how she feels. Love this one too!

Well, really, I loved a lot of them, but I didn't stop to review most of them because I wanted to hurry and move on to the next one!
Moony's puppy chapter 44 . 7/8/2011
So far this one is my favorite.

Poor James. :(
BlueSkies13 chapter 48 . 7/8/2011
Love all these drabbles and hope u update soon :)
Tatsumaki-sama chapter 48 . 7/8/2011
This in some ways is actually a bit sad. I loved how you wrote from Lily's point of view, how she appeared to be trying to convince her that she's happy with her boyfriend and no one (especially not James) will change her mind. The last line is all that is needed to point out that Lily isn't entirely happy. Great job as usual!
kittenxxkisses chapter 48 . 7/8/2011
Aww, this is really sad :( But awesomely written ;)

Update soon!
Hulio chapter 48 . 7/7/2011
I really love your writing style. Please keep writing, someone with your talents definitely should :)
whenitwasmagic chapter 48 . 7/7/2011
That was lo-ve-ly! I love the tone of the piece, and how it sounds like she's trying to convince herself, etc. Excellent title to match.
booklover1998 chapter 47 . 7/1/2011
absolutely loved this! 3
AudreyJosette chapter 47 . 6/30/2011
I'm pretty sure you'll get bored of hearing this at some point but I really love the way you write, it's really almost poetic and always makes me feel so happy after I look at your drabbles. They're basically the cure for when you read a particuarly angsty fic, except the few of yours which are kind of depressing, in a good way though!

My favourites of yours are still either 15 or 13, which actually I don't understand why JK didn't write a scene like that for Harry/Ginny, or even better Ron/Hermione because it's just so damn cute!

So yeah anyway, just wanted to express my love for your writing, and I hope you continue even if it ends up being a drabble per year (I'd prefer not though!). Liza x.
Wings of Moonlight chapter 47 . 6/29/2011
This story (and the last) are so sweet, they made me melt. Gotta say, one of the reasons I love this collection of drabbles/
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