Reviews for The Ex Factor : Edward & Bella
divyvicki chapter 8 . 12/1/2024
Here I thought they would finally be together.
divyvicki chapter 4 . 11/5/2024
thanks for ur authors note outlining ur like for cannon couples
divyvicki chapter 3 . 10/27/2024
What is the deal with Flash on their memories
Itzrenaynay chapter 1 . 10/7/2024
I haven’t read this in a while. I need a refresher.
divyvicki chapter 1 . 9/28/2024
Interesting start! Can't wait for more.
TeamRosemmett chapter 19 . 1/12/2024
It's possible you won't see this but do Rose and Jake get together because if they do I don't wanna read it because I love Emmett and Rosalie
sue1zide chapter 2 . 3/19/2023
Are they in high school? Because they sure do act like teenagers.
I have never liked Alice. She’s a sneaky manipulator.
Bella is very childish and immature acting. Who fights anymore?
They’re all, except for Jasper, acting like teenagers that just moved out of their parents house.
Don’t get me started on Jake. I don’t care for him except when he’s gay.
Abaire chapter 19 . 8/26/2022
So halfway through the fix so far. I can tell you out a serious amount of time into writing and detailing this story from the various points of view. It reminds me of an episode of something like The Hills or Beverly Hills 90210 or Grey’s Anatomy or any of those drama shows with fights and angst and possible pregnancy. Kudos for writing it so well and for bouncing so well between POVs.
sue1zide chapter 1 . 8/3/2022
Why does everyone have to keep inhaling deeply?
Monnie Mcintosh chapter 40 . 1/27/2022
It was a very nice story. I wasn’t crazy about Alice,s interesting. Thank you
hohi.rose chapter 10 . 1/4/2022
my last review for ch 9 was meant for ch10 i keep making this mistake... i guess im so pissed i can't concentrate

this fic is so pointless and sooo wordy usually i like wordy but not here you completely ruined it for me I'm out...

p.s. while writing this i noticed this fic is from 2009-2011 and not 2019-2021 like i thought orginally
if i noticed that earlier I would have not bothered reviewing

you're probably more grown up as an author hopefully

hohi.rose chapter 9 . 1/4/2022
you know what this reminds me of...
those cheap reality TV shows that put a bunch of adults in one house and watch as they run around hooking up and switching partners and basically act as immature and extra af as possible just to stirr drama for no reason... i don't think i can take anymore... i usually finish fics even if i don't like what happens just to give the author the benefit of the doubt...
hohi.rose chapter 9 . 1/4/2022
ok im still not convinced with Bellas' justification and here's why:

she is sooo effin self absorbed like how does she figure that jasper can handle her emotional detachment for the rest of their lives together?! what, she's willing to live her life with him despite having cheated on him and stringing the poor guy along? also jaspers wandering eyes are proof that he ain't for the long ride hun

girl had sex with Edward and still refuses to let jasper go cuz he's become her doormat basically or safety blanket is more like it... what, she can't bear to hurt him?! pfft then let jasper find another that can return the love that he's giving you selfish girl

a scorching love burns one or both parties out sooner or later but a love that simmers lasts life times. thisooh im in love with him but he's bad new but oh so irresistibleis fleeting don't let anyone fool you otherwise... it could be scorching in the beginning but i has to get to a simmer at some point then scorch again then back to a simmer and so on... that's true healthy love but for a love to scorch aaaallll the time that's toxic

you said your characters are on a self discovery journey i see self distruction. there are lines that should not be crossed and once crossed there is no going back... no matter how hard you try even you yourself said so when emmet told bella that Edward is gonna bring this up in future arguments... no amount of glorious make up sex is gonna resolve the problem... they're just gonna go in circles like they are now...

the irredeemable nature of your main characters bothers me...
hohi.rose chapter 8 . 1/3/2022
my last review that got labeled for chapter 1 was meant for this chapter8 by mistake
hohi.rose chapter 1 . 1/3/2022
soooo i read the outtakes after chapter 3 of TEF...

right now all i see is poor edward here and pooor edward there, i don't feel sorry for edward nor am i on bellas' side by any means but just let me say they are BOTH SHITTY HUMANS and both don't know what true love means if it hit them in the face with a sledgehammer...

see i get that humans are flawed and life is a bitch and shit happens but what's going on here is a pattern of bad decisions AND COMPLETE LACK OF MORALS! fidelity doesn't exist in the universe you created... which is too bad cuz at first i thought the story had potential but you completely shot that to hell and back with all the wishy washy characters that don't know what they want but all they think about is fucking anything with a pulse that is remotely attractive...

I'm still gonna read it till the end just to see HOW the fuck you plan to explain the way they put all this bullshit behind and be together...
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