Reviews for Torn
Crack-jouchan chapter 19 . 4/14/2016
*sweatdrop* Well, ain't this chaotic... Eheh. Soul Society's messed up, we don't know what's happened in Hueco Mundo cause screw them, the Human World seems pretty quiet but that's probably gonna change soon...

Ahahaha, despite all that has happened, Nel still has her attitude! And wow, Urahara sure heard of it quickly... Heh, Yama-chan's really shot himself in the leg badly! Go Urahara!~ Save the cute darling kitty!

Also... HAHAHAHA! Going to school... Weeeell, it'll be an experience *snickers*
Crack-jouchan chapter 18 . 4/14/2016
Dear me... Poor Nel. I like Mayuri and all, but he can quite a jerk, so he gets what he's got coming. Oh, and Nemu is free! Aha, good for her.

Oh no, poor Nel...! Her zanpakuto... ...hng. I wonder what will happen now. I know Ulqui will protect her no matter what (and damn they are adorable), but what then?
Crack-jouchan chapter 17 . 4/14/2016
Oooo, Hichigo identity crisis. Considering he's supposed to be a totally different entity now despite being part of Ichigo, I suppose I can see where that's coming from. Look, I'm even making myself confused...
Crack-jouchan chapter 16 . 4/14/2016
Of course! The basics will always stay with a person to some extend, no matter what. Dear Grimmy sure doesn't mind dropping the bomb on Yoruichi, though. ...though I bet he regrets it now. Impulsive idiot. Luckily Yoruichi isn't too interested in following orders.

(Damn if past!Shaolin x Grimmy isn't adorable as heck!)
Crack-jouchan chapter 15 . 4/14/2016
Wow... They really do care for Rukia, huh? And just as usual, Byakuya cares for Rukia in his roundabout way. He's such a sap underneath all that, hehe. It's honestly sweet though.
Crack-jouchan chapter 14 . 4/14/2016
Ahahahahaha! Oh Ichigo... 'Hey is this thing on?' That's so like him, ahaha! Even though it's supposed to be a serious situation, they are acting so damn casual and its adorably hilarious.

Shunsui is so nice! Thank you, awesome old man! Poor Nel... It'll be fine soon!'s Soul Society that should worry about itself, eheh...

Those four are so awesomely cool. I would be squealing if it wasn't in the dead of the night at the moment. Of course it would be lover boy who gets to fight the big bad boss!
Crack-jouchan chapter 13 . 4/14/2016
Nooooo, Nel! Poor Nel... But she knew what was going to happen... Now I really wonder what she wrote.

...oh my god, ULQUIIII! You are tagging along! Yeah hooooo! Nel, just hold on a little longer, these three peeps made of awesome are on their way!
Crack-jouchan chapter 12 . 4/14/2016
Ahahaha! I like how Ulqui manages to throw Nel off. So far, she's been pretty cool about things, but he some how manages to make her seem like a kid. Daaamn, that's a cute relationship they have. I didn't ship them last chapter, but damn if I don't now. The way you present them in your fic just makes them seem so... shippable!

Poor Rukia. But atleast Isshin is there. He's really fatherly! And Kaien! Yeah hoo! She won't be alone, definitely not!, Renji is gonna throw a royal fit if he finds out what happened.

...uh oh. Of course Aizen would want to mess things up. Pssh! Oh dear, Nel, please protect yourself...!
Crack-jouchan chapter 11 . 4/14/2016
Yaaaay, Mama Nel to the rescue! Awww. There, there, Ichigo, it'll be fine! And oh my, are we gonna get Ulqui off Aizen's side as well? Hahahahaha, Aizen's ass is cream if this keeps up!

Awwwww, kiddie Grimmy is adorable, I swear! Those flashbacks are adorable. Little Soi is adorable. Goddamnit, everything is adorable.
Crack-jouchan chapter 10 . 4/14/2016
AHAHAHAHA! It's adorable how Nel runs up and just starts ruffling Hichigo's hair like he's some kind of cute doggy. She really IS motherly! Poor Hichigo is so mortified. His dignity is dying a slow, painful death.

Wow, Kaien is so cool! He can still use some of his Arrancar stuff. Sonido, Hierro, even Cero...! He's so strong, now! He even beat his opponent without the limiter removed!

Rukia doesn't know how well she did. Even Hitsugaya, a captain had a hard time against Shawlong! She's definitely improved.

Ahahaha, yes, Soi is pretty short compared to big ol' Grimmy, eh? How awkward~ Kaien walked right into the middle of that! Poor Soi. And he still continues to make it worst. Dear, dear Kaien... Hahahahahaha!

Oh my... What a cliffhanger. But Grimmy can't die. So, sayonara, Tousen!
Crack-jouchan chapter 9 . 4/14/2016
*snicker* I like how Ichigo gives a different reason to everyone who asks on why is he so beat up. Also, I just remembered - NEL! Oh my god, I hope she doesn't get turned into a kid. That'd be sad. Nellllllllll...

Oho, Isshin is dropping his, 'I-am-not-a-normal-human' hints early. Ahaha.

Hichigo ain't that bad of a guy, actually, once you look past the 'he's a Hollow' part. He's still part of Ichigo, after all, so he can't be entirely bad, right? And whoa, now he's actually physical! That's awesome! Woohoo!

...and oh. So this how Grimmy meets Soi. Heh heh, shared past huh? That. Is. Adorable!
Crack-jouchan chapter 8 . 4/14/2016
WOW! Ichigo's gaining so many unlikely allies! Awesome. He has Grimmy, Nel, and now Gin! Awesome, awesome. I'm sure this will be a blast! I'm surprised by how well things are turning out, considering the down start it had.

Oh my, finally Soi appears! I really wonder how this is gonna work out. Soi seems like the type to be pretty loyal to Soul Society, and romancing and Arrancar would go against that.
Riac5 chapter 1 . 1/14/2016
Bruh chapter 27 . 8/23/2015
after reading this chapter, ive giben up o. this story... it was insanely good up until the huge time-skip that completely ruined the whole plot of the canon and just felt incredibly stupid, sorry but i really hate this massive time skip and i wished it didn't happen
FinalFlashX chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
I think that this opening chapter would have benefited if you had actually begun the story with Ichigo losing control to his Inner Hollow and attacking Renji and Rukia. Just summarizing it here in a few quick sentences makes the catalyst for your entire story have little to no impact on me as a reader. Especially since these are fairly big changes from canon (losing control to his Hollow again, attacking Renji and Rukia, being able to injure Aizen) so it would have been great to see them written out.

A little strange that you have Rukia claim that Ichigo didn't even give her a goodbye, though you say that her "eyes widen at his response" so she clearly heard him. A little inconsistent.

However, this is still a very interesting premise to me, so I can't wait to see wait you do with it as a I read on. There wasn't a lot wrong with your actual writing, your prose was very well crafted and use used some really cool imagery in your metaphors. I was just a little disappointed that you delegated several major divergences from canon into simple summaries. I wanted to read more! Guess that's what the rest of the story is for though.
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