Reviews for Torn
jbadillodavila chapter 34 . 1/24/2015
Súper history
MM chapter 17 . 12/27/2014
Kenpachi was pretty out of character here. He is quite literately a battle junkie he does not make conversation with someone he's fighting. He also doesn't care who he is fighting kenpachi basically is instinct.
Arksurek chapter 34 . 10/5/2014
I have mixed feelings about this story. I found the end to be extremely depressing, particularly what happened with Ichigo and Rukia, but that's to be expected considering they are one of my favorite pairings.

However, this does not change that fact that this is a very well written story. I will definitely be reading the sequels.
Neeros chapter 34 . 10/21/2013
:( wtf
Ro0w'z chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 34 . 2/17/2013
Shit. What a tragic ending. It was fantastically written, and the ending was amazing, but jeez, you're making me cry.
You are an amazing writer. The plot was just astounding! There was so much originality, but overall, almost all of the characters seemed exactly like themselves. The only thing I have to say is that Ulquiorra was out of character, but he needed to be to make the story work, and you didn't derive too much from his canon personality.
Amazing job.
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 26 . 2/17/2013
Haha, yes. Ichigo finally learned Kido. I would leave another long, winding review here, but I'm really excited for the next chapter, so I'm just going to go ahead and read it right away.
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 24 . 2/17/2013
whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa whoa.
Aizen and Isshin are brothers..did not see that coming.
So then it's really Uncle Aizen... o.O
Aiya! This story keeps suprising me!
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 19 . 2/17/2013
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 14 . 2/17/2013
Asssshhhaahhsh! /screams
I nearly died when Ichigo, Hichigo, Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra were speaking over the tenteikura. Oh my god, that was genius.
Ulquiorra's in love with Neliel! Haha, I've never really thought about this pairing before, but you're definitely making it work. Another thing you're making work is Hichigo. Jeez, you've written him spot-on. He's insane, and his interactions with Ichigo are hilarious.
The set up for these individual battles at the end was perfect!
I especially like Ichigo's line to Byakuya,
INACTIVE-apocalyxtic98 chapter 10 . 2/17/2013
I am in love with this story. At first, I was a little opposed to a few things, like how you included GrimmSoi, and the "materialized" Hichigo (don't get me wrong, I freaking love him), but you make it work really well. And your IchiRuki moments, ah! My OTP is blessed by this story. The whole premise of Ichigo defecting with Aizen at Soukyoku hill is extremely interesting, and I love how you've involved Gin with Ichigo's plans to defeat Aizen. The platonic relationship between Neliel and Ichigo is adorable; I can't get enough of it. And, seirously, I almost started squealing when Nel hugged Hichigo. Genius. Also, thank you so much for bringing back Kaien. I've always thought he was an extremely cool character, and been disappointed that Kubo didn't use him more. Not only is your characterization of him spot on, but I really appreciate the way that you brought him back into the storyline, as well.
Rukia's dialogue is different from the manga/anime, and she seems somewhat emotionally unstable, but she is still very in character. Considering what she's gone through, her actions and speech seem like how should would react. Also, Kaien and Rukia moments are making me ridiculously happy.
Whelp, onto the next chapter!
LuBu081 chapter 5 . 11/19/2012
heck yeah, hollow Ichigo was always cooler then prude, softy Ichigo. Time to tear some shit up!
LuBu081 chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
Oh dang, she confessed her love for him. That was really something different.
Tiff chapter 34 . 11/16/2012
I think it wasn't until the last few paragraphs that I started bawling. I love how this was written, asgfggdjk. ;_;
Sapherer chapter 34 . 9/25/2012
Daw... :c
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