Reviews for Torn
Sapherer chapter 11 . 9/23/2012
Oh... It wasn't Grimmjow... YAY!
Sapherer chapter 10 . 9/23/2012
Nooooooo! Not Grimmjow! D
Sapherer chapter 5 . 9/23/2012
Hichigo called Ichigo a rabbit! :D That's f'n awesome.
Sapherer chapter 2 . 9/23/2012

I'm not very good at reviews but that was my exact face.
AzTec999 chapter 2 . 7/21/2012
great chapter! now, next chapter. :)
AzTec999 chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
damn. this story is so cool that i'm totally hooked when i finished reading chapter 1! reading next chapter ;)
Minako25 chapter 24 . 6/19/2012
I know you wrote this a few years back, and i have no issue with the concept of Grimm and Shao knowing each other in the past. My issue is this should probably take place 100-150 years ago. I'm reading this and it feels more like 40-60 years ago instead. i'd suspended my disbelief up until the dumpster body and the car. I think it lost some magic when I realized that this was too modern to be realistic.
Scout Master 5 chapter 32 . 5/29/2012
took me three seconds to figure out Rangiku was pregnant im sure with gins baby... nice way to drop that... what happened to Nel was cold but i was grinning throughout

strange aint it.
Scout Master 5 chapter 25 . 5/29/2012
Suigetsu...Engetsu and Zangetsu...

i see what yu did there...
MagykjayEmmax chapter 34 . 1/21/2012
One word... WONDERFUL! (I'm so going to read So, Anymonous, Nebula, and your two next stories... Now!) )
xSakuraBlossom chapter 34 . 12/31/2011
Amazing story. I actually have read both "So" and "Anonymous", and in my opinion, this is right up there with those two. Although this one doesn't focus as much on GrimmSoi as all the other characters' development...

On a side note... I can't believe you killed off like half the characters! *calms down* Ok, well, I can see why it was kind of necessary though. But still, it's a shame to see all those people go.

I'm interested to see what happens with Ichigo's reincarnation. I guess the reason he's reincarnated is why his Hollow's still around? I was kind of wondering about that.

I'm definitely going to read the sequels to this story, it was amazing and I'm not willing for the story to end just yet xP

Great job, keep writing~
10char chapter 5 . 10/16/2011
Nel is disappoint, Ichigo! Great story, I love reading Evil!Ichigo, Dark!Ichigo, and Arrancar!Ichigo, even though he isn't an Arrancar in this.
ShadowAngelBeta chapter 34 . 6/4/2011
Well damn... I thought Ichigo was gonna pull some full-blown, but permanent, Hollow traformation and turn into some kinda monster... Well at least in body.

Then he would be left in a crushing loniliness for all of eternity or something like that... I get angsty sometimes.
Just Awesome Like That chapter 34 . 5/30/2011
...Tarou. Me like.

but, "" at the end there... ' actually sums it up

rather glad i was outside when i read this chapter, otherwise i think i would've woken up the little guy...
Just Awesome Like That chapter 26 . 5/30/2011
" "You've been gone for twenty years." "


God i'm glad i stopped when i told myself to last night, otherwise you would've kept me going till NOON
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