Reviews for A Connection to Life
SwimmingOyster chapter 1 . 9/14
I really really loved that last line. Kudos to you!
Laura chapter 1 . 10/11/2023
I have been a huge fan of your and Protector of the Gray Fortress' s collaborations for years and have always hoped that you both might finish this story one day?
Laura chapter 1 . 6/29/2020
Please update this story your collaborations are amazing!
trustingHim17 chapter 6 . 11/9/2019
i've been working my way through your Holmes stories (my fav i the Greater Love trilogy) and i just thought you should know it's a bummer you stopped writing. i've thoroughly enjoyed everything i've read so far.
MoonlightMystery13.3 chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
I'm almost wondering if Mycroft is going to stage his own kidnapping, or something to distract his brother...
Maimat B chapter 6 . 3/29/2014
This was a great story, I enjoyed reading it. :)
Laura chapter 6 . 12/30/2013
Will this story ever be finished? I have loved every collaboration between you and PGF and am dying to know what happens next!
Dogmatil chapter 6 . 9/19/2013
Love this plot. I still don't know what to think of Trevor, although he seems quite nice. Hope you will continue it oneday.
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
what's a lovely story! is there any possibility that it will go on!
Marsupial Madness chapter 6 . 4/12/2013
Awww it's not finished :( but the story was fantastic anyway :)
falconer54 chapter 6 . 10/7/2012
I really liked this chapter. They finally meet! Are they going to meet that tiger? I have to say, I think that might drag up some rather unpleasant memories for Watson. And for "To be continued," it has not been updated for three years! (Not that I can complain; I just joined the fandom several months ago!)
falconer54 chapter 4 . 10/7/2012
This was a good chapter, as always. My favorite part of the chapter is when Watson one-ups Holmes (albeit in Indian animal expertise).
falconer54 chapter 3 . 10/7/2012
I really liked this chapter, partly because I strongly feel Watson's role in Holmes' cases is strongly understated, and your (both of your) stories give Watson a larger role than most. I always like it when Watson is able to say something. I also liked the sibling rivalry in this chapter.
Keep up the good work, I love your collaborations! :D
Kore-Proserpina chapter 6 . 8/21/2012
Oh goodness, will there ever be more? All of your Holmes stories are fantastic.
nomdeplume30 chapter 6 . 12/27/2010
This is fantastic! I hope this hasn't been abandoned for good because I see so many possibilities here. I'd love to see Watson face down a marauding tiger. :) And I'm dying to meet the rest of the Trevors. They sound like a lovely family. Please don't leave us hanging!
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