Reviews for These Black Eyes
Guest chapter 2 . 11/11/2023
This is as hilariously awful as you were making it out to be. Props for being able to own up to it.
ImTonyWright chapter 1 . 8/2/2020
This story could've very much benefited from being rated M.
MalaysiaIsStupid chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
NOT reading another Austraeoh sized story, Skirts.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
Okay. I have read just about none of this story, but I must say this: gah! 272 chapters! How even! On another note, the writing is better than I would expect from the summary, so props!
Child of Decay chapter 272 . 1/2/2017
I would like to see more fan fiction like this out there
Guest chapter 31 . 11/27/2016
I'm almost done and I was looking forward to romance but to find out he's FUCKING CASTRSTED you ass hole I love a romance story with maybe a little lemon
But your oc is fucking castrated you idiotic jackass of a writer I love this story's length but it pisses me of that the main character that is a male has no length where in hell did you get the thought that a main male role should have no dick I liked this duck until that part and I was really hoping he would find love I mean who wouldnt but finding out he's castrated I mean that's fucked up. So I'm done with this fic so as always suck it ass hole
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
Hey I'm just starting this fic and I love a great of story but please tell me does he find love that's very important to me and with who
Guest chapter 89 . 11/12/2016
The feels damn!
Guest chapter 84 . 11/9/2016
Damn! So many emotions in one chapter is not good for me.
Guest chapter 81 . 11/9/2016
Yaay! Score
MDNick chapter 77 . 11/8/2016
What! Please tell me he gets them .
Guest chapter 272 . 9/26/2016
This is way too gud this is my second time reading and its still just as beautiful as it was
*notices bulge*OWO WhaTS tHIs
Mega Latios 1988 chapter 272 . 11/19/2015
Oh dear lord! I just finished reading this fic and it was amazing. I am not the biggest fan of Gray Stu OC fics but dang this was great. This fic was so epic in length that it took me nearly a whole month to finish reading.
2.6 MILLION WORDS! You have my utmost respect. The time and dedication it must have taken to write this, IN ONE YEAR TO BOOT!
I put this in a calculator and found out that to write this fic in a year, you would have to type out 7k words per day, not counting the time it took you to edit those chapters. That alone is mind blowing.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/18/2015
'Wyrd', as you spelled it is actually spelled W-E-I-R-D
Ms.H.B chapter 64 . 8/9/2015
I'm rereading this fic at least a decade after I first read it. Last week I was suddenly struck with the urge to read it again. I only ment to skim a few chapters for old times sake. It really says something that I made it to the end of act one. Sure it's got gramer issues and plot holes but I still love the sappy moments, mythology and character building. I learned ASL a few years back and I can't help thinking about the things Noir says and how he would say them. His signname is probably something badass like a N shaped fist punching through the left hand sign for gray. Most two handed signs can be modified for one hand but it's like talking with a heavy speech impediment. "Thank you" is a one handed sign in ASL. It even uses the right hand... even with that kind of error strung throughout I care deeply for your OC and your story long after you tried to kill it. The MyLittlePoney crossover gave me all the feels.
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