Reviews for Charles vs His Destiny
Mpeter chapter 31 . 10/3/2024
Great story. I really enjoyed. One thing though I thought Chuck was too easy on Jill and Bryce. I loved how you wore cannon into this AU. Thank you.
aChieftess chapter 32 . 10/1/2021
I loved this story.
I loved the way you weaved it together from pieces of the show — the Intersect, Bryce's involvement, Chuck and Sarah's dynamic...It was “Chuck”, but your own story.
Excellent work!
chucksboxers chapter 32 . 3/9/2021
Wow you guessed pretty close on a lot of things!
This was a really fun and entertaining story. -thanks for writing it!
chucksboxers chapter 31 . 3/9/2021
Great chapter - I really enjoyed how you brought it all around to the canon-ish Team B setup.
Always enjoy a Chuck and Sarah date so that was nice as well!
chucksboxers chapter 29 . 3/7/2021
Exciting stuff here - great pace of action! Love it!
chucksboxers chapter 28 . 3/7/2021
Wow a lot happens in this chapter! Things all coming together here is great! Poor Chuck took the brunt of the upload but now Tommy knows so will be interesting to see how this plays out!
chucksboxers chapter 27 . 3/5/2021
The old Morgan lock in trick! LOL
I really enjoy your Casey writing!
chucksboxers chapter 25 . 3/2/2021
The Morgan and Anna story had me laughing good!
chucksboxers chapter 24 . 3/2/2021
Well that got pretty philosophical! “On the nature of good and evil we have Professor Bartowski today...”
chucksboxers chapter 23 . 3/2/2021
What a shocker at the end! Love Chuck being a bumbling badass and gaining favor with Ms Walker! :-)
chucksboxers chapter 22 . 3/2/2021
Don’t feardon the Reardon! “...but in the end...” the puns keep rolling here! LOL
chucksboxers chapter 21 . 3/1/2021
Cool spin on canon with the truth-ish serum poison! Poor Chuck can’t catch a break!
chucksboxers chapter 20 . 2/27/2021
Well that was a hell of an awkward dinner, even without Morgan!
I hope Chuck dumps Jill and Bryce ASAP!
On the other hand there were some goods jokes/jabs in this chapter so it’s certainly providing entertainment!
chucksboxers chapter 19 . 2/26/2021
Not out of character for Sarah really but wow what happened to Jill that she cratered so bad? Jill is a mess!
chucksboxers chapter 18 . 2/24/2021
Serious drama with Bryce - I find it hard to believe it was a one time thing though. I’m looking forward to “goodbye Jill!”
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