Reviews for On a Train, Switching Tracks
forTheLoveOfHades chapter 8 . 11/11/2012
forTheLoveOfHades chapter 9 . 11/11/2012
Guest chapter 2 . 11/10/2012
you know what, poor tom
Miriam1 chapter 3 . 11/9/2012
Aww... As much as Ron, Draco, and Neville love their eccentric friend, it is rather telling that they are secretly seriously frightened of him. And it is funny as all get out.

Harry being terrified of the game piece that he choked on made sense. But Hogwarts being what it is, no one bothered to ask Harry WHY he was afraid of his worst fear, but his friends.

Remus is clueless, and I'm willing to bet that he didn't bother to ask the students why they are afraid of their best friend. Clueless then, clueless now... But it is still hysterical.

Nicely done.

Miriam1 chapter 2 . 11/9/2012
That was brilliant! It might have been more fun to have everyone ACTUALLY trace back to see who really was the Heir of Slytherin, but man, this was hysterical.

Overnight, the four of them made up all kinds of family trees, to show that EVERYONE could have been the Heir of Slytherin. I'm sure that Tom must have gotten disgusted, and Ginny threw the diary away.

Giving Myrtle a new friend was a serious stroke of genius. However, I'm not sure how Harry pegged NEVILLE as the Parselmouth.

In any event, this was a great chapter.

I look forward to reading the next.

Miriam1 chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
This was brilliant. I love the idea that Harry used his own knowledge to diffuse a situation that never made sense to me.

The reason Ron was so attractive as a friend was that he was nice to Harry the first time they met. And for no reason that anyone can fathom, Ron was mean to Draco. Instead of defending Ron for being a doofus, Harry calls him on it, and makes friends out of Ron AND Draco. And they see Harry for a person, and they understand that the LAST thing he wants to be thought of is a "celebrity."

This will do wonders for their interaction with Professor Snape. I can tell.

And adopting Neville into the group just because was beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you do with this.

lazyguy90 chapter 9 . 11/3/2012
Haha, this is so damn hilarious.

I hope you can update again some day.

Keep at it.
The Green Eye chapter 9 . 11/1/2012
Dude I absolutely love your imagination and creativity... This story was absolutely amazing!
atwistedconundrum chapter 9 . 10/22/2012
Brilliant! You had my side in stitches the entire time. I would love to read more of this. I especially would love to see how Harry would react to Dementors or if he had a trial for underage magic. I would also like to know how Draco, Ron, and Neville managed to prevent other people from making Harry suspicious about his fame with all of the staring. And Snape too! Doesn't he mention Harry's celebrity in their first face-to-face meeting?
jieha chapter 9 . 10/15/2012
this fic is hilarious n i love it! good work!
SkipToMyLueLue chapter 5 . 10/14/2012
Hey :)

I'm Aussie, and I know "On Top of Spaghetti". We learned it in school. Of course, we also came up with other versions... There's 'Old Smokey Covered in Blood', for example. :) So, no stretch of the imagination for Harry, I reckon. I guess it's kind of like the old "Fat and Skinny" jokes.
freaky bitch chapter 9 . 10/13/2012
this is absolutely genius!
imgettingtiredofyou chapter 9 . 10/11/2012
I'm rather terrified of what your mind must be like, to think of such things...

On the other hand, this is bloody brilliant and it was difficult to stop laughing. Well done, my friend, well done.
sionnachsSkulk chapter 9 . 10/8/2012
Okay, that last bit confused me. What happened to the twins?
USA Tiger chapter 9 . 10/6/2012
Crazy Harry, I love it!
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