Reviews for Bright Like the Sun
Poison-Iby chapter 24 . 4/3/2013
Talia Lilliana chapter 24 . 3/28/2013
Are you going to update your story?
It puts a smile on my face whenever I read it and to have it finished... would be great :)
Guest chapter 17 . 3/26/2013
Is Store bought cakes are: newton, Eric & Tyle

Carrot cake :Jake

Choclate cake with Green Icing : Edward?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Love this Weird bella & Horny Edward! keep going...ur sense of humor is fantastic!
sonia chapter 24 . 3/26/2013
jka1 chapter 24 . 3/24/2013
Hope you update this, this is too good to be left unfinished :)
jka1 chapter 18 . 3/24/2013
I love this story so much, reason I'm reviewing this chapter is cos I actually LOL when Charlie asked Bella why couldn't she be ugly hahahaha
AllieOfGreenGables chapter 3 . 3/12/2013
I have a bad habit of making up stuff when I see acronyms I don't know. When I saw the title for this chapter, I came up with "So What Crap Is For Dinner?"
KACULLEN chapter 24 . 3/10/2013
I have read this story so many times and I love it so much. I really really hope you decide to continue writting it. It has been over a year with no updates :( Please don't give up on this!

There was one thing that confused me though. In chapter 19, Bella and Edward have their whole bathroom meeting durning lunch and then she goes to Math, then in the next chapter she talks about being in Math. Up until then Bella had been going to Biology with Edward after lunch so why is she suddenly in Math? I know classes change every semester, but they were still in Biology when they got back from Christmas break, and in this chapter(24) Jess was talking about gym with Bella in the present tense. Why would the Biology class change but not the gym class?

Also in this chapter Bella talks about her dreaded tote bag. Why is she still using it if her arm is no longer broken? Can't she use a backpack again?

Sorry for being picky, I really do love this story and I really hope we see more of it.
EdwardAteMyPuppy chapter 24 . 3/9/2013
I actually might cry because this isn't being updated anymore lol. Brilliant writing and amazing sense of humor!
may96 chapter 24 . 3/6/2013
Man, I love this story! I'm really sad to see it's unfinished. Are you going to complete it? I'd love to see where it'll go next!
Twipotterfreak28 chapter 24 . 2/28/2013
So I just finished the story and you haven't updated in like 16 months, so I'm just gonna say that they went to the dance, had sex- during which Bella thought about global warming or why the Duggars have so many damn kids, they'll get married fresh out of high school, have a few wise-cracking babies, and die in their eighties when their great grandson accidentally sets fire to their nursing home.

I am Word Womam II.
apple of eve chapter 24 . 2/13/2013
Great story, just found it!
Stellybelle chapter 24 . 2/11/2013
I've been reading this again, about my third time through this story. It is one of my favorites.
DrSarcasm08 chapter 24 . 2/7/2013
Wow, this story has definetly been one of the best ones I've read. Is there any chance you will update? I know it's been a 1 year already
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