Reviews for Bright Like the Sun
Just me chapter 12 . 6/19/2009
Glad he's going to be Edward from now on hun?...they're making progress here. Cool.

Can't wait for next chapter!
PuzzlePerfect9 chapter 12 . 6/19/2009
i really liked this chapter

i loved that she called edward and i loved the very last couple of lines

thats cool

cant wait for more!
swan-83 chapter 11 . 6/18/2009
"Fucking tote bag". Brilliant! I actually lol'd here at my desk at work, and now my co-workers thing I'm SWB (female SWCIFD, w/o the incest).

Now *this* is my type of Bella. What I would have given for you to have been there to help SM flesh out her heroine into a real, believable character while she was writing Twilight...

Your writing is funny, very entertaining. With the infusion of life you've given to Bella's personality, I can't predict what's going to happen with the plot (unlike some fanfics). Please keep writing :)
hannahmom16 chapter 11 . 6/16/2009
I just found this story and I honestly absolutely love it. I have three daughters and when they are teenagers someday, this Bella you have created, would be one hell of a role model for them. Thanks so much for writing.
lillyflynn chapter 11 . 6/16/2009
This is the best Bella I've ever had the privilege of survielling :)
penelyn chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
This is so good, I can't believe it doesn't have more reviews.
Miriam chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
This is just hilarious! Edward is just so funny and Bella...! Haha, I can't wait till next chapter :) keep writing!
Sheeijan chapter 11 . 6/12/2009
I just found this story, and honestly there just aren't enough humorous stories out there for my addiction. This was great! I love Bella's banter, although Mike did kind of hit the nail on the head about it being a way to keep people at arm's length. She's funny, and smart, and I loved the bit when she talked to Carlisle and bantered with him (that word again!).

Thanks for writing!
Amethice chapter 11 . 6/10/2009
It's a damn good job I didn't stop to review each chapter because I would have kept saying the same thing - I love this story and it is hilarious. I have been giggling my ass off at pretty much every chapter. I think it is a combination of great writing style and content, but honestly I'm thinking mostly writing style. Because I don't usually find tote bags hilarious. Well-freaking-done.

I'm somewhat devastated that I've caught up to the current chapter now because I really want to keep reading. Plus, I think you left a bit of a cliffie, and I'm very curious to see what SWCIFD's excuse will be for saving her. Because I assume she will be getting into trouble and he will be rescuing her. Because hello that is what they do. And everyone knows scary things happen when left alone in the dark in Port Angeles. Their tourism must have taken SUCH a hit, teehee.

So, rambling aside - please update asap because I need my fix.
jantanamo chapter 11 . 6/7/2009
I just found your story today and I thoroughly enjoyed snorting, snickering and laughing my way through all 11 chapters. Not only is the dialogue fabulous, but Bella's random inner monologuing is so entertaining. I'm really quite content seeing things through her eyes.

I'm also loving SWCIFD's transition from scary to snuggly. It's refreshing to have an initial reaction that doesn't involve panties being dropped or angels singing from the heavens. Still, I hope she never drops his acronym, because 'Edward' no longer suits him.

And Mike...boy, there's a rant that's been suppressed for awhile. I wonder how long that's been building up and if Jess has been stoking the fire as well. There's no way that her level of interest in Edward hasn't also sparked more than a little jealousy and I'm sure her and Mike are more than happy to feed their mutual green monster.

Anyway, I'm really enjoying your story and I can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing!
Twilight Enabler chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
This is just to let you know that your story has been recommended on the LiveJournal The Twilight Enablers and therefore has been added to our favourites list. The link to the community is on our profile page.

SkippingintheDark89 chapter 11 . 6/6/2009
Great story! I can't wait for more! :)
ElleCC chapter 11 . 6/6/2009
I love me a good argument. Really... what did she expect, hanging out with Newton? Ed's teasing was entertaining, the whole thing about Swan-Newton. Better than being made out of spider guts... Fig Newtons, I mean.

So... who's going to come rescue her? Hmm... ponder ponder.

Really enjoying this. Very fun. Thanks for sharing it with us :)
ElleCC chapter 10 . 6/6/2009
I love that she's nicknamed her iPod. And Chuck is a great name. It's one of my favorite nicknames to give, in fact, though I usually reserve it for people named Charlotte. Hmm. iPods are good, too.

Ha, I really love this, considering Edward's stalkery tendencies to be like kidnapping: "I wonder if Stockholm syndrome applies to stalker/stalkee relationships, not that this is a relationship... obviously."

Their banter at the end of the chapter was fab. I love that they are goading each other on and that he's open with her - well, more open than he is with anyone else. More honest, too.
ElleCC chapter 9 . 6/6/2009
This version of Carlisle is pretty damn funny: “Yes I did. That, my serious face, and my doctor voice are how you know I’m not joking.” I’m noticing a distinct lack of his doctor voice at the moment. / “So, the rest of the time you’re just messing around?” / “I assume so; no one seems to take me seriously.”

Interesting to find out they're all photosensitive - I guess that makes sense, right? I really like that, for some reason.
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