Reviews for Bright Like the Sun |
Iwant2sparkle chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Way to knock him down a peg, Bella! Edward is going to come to her rescue, isn't he? |
Dolphin4442 chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Great chapter. Mike is an a**. |
Feisty Y. Beden chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Damn, yo! Mike sure turned on a dime. As always, a fantastic chapter. You manage to be really funny and poignant at the same time. The banter between SWCIFD and Bella is great, and then having Mike accuse her of talking but never saying anything is so hurtful yet possibly true. I just adore the chemistry between B and SWCIFD in your story. Oh, and the Swan-Newton and Newton-Swan bit had me laughing out loud for a long time. |
betheany chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Poor Bella can't catch a break, first the damn tote bag, now her "it's not a date" date. Newton is being an ass, I can't believe he left here there. Will she be calling SWCIFD for a ride or will he be just showing up on his own? |
Knittyapril chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 I cannot believe that Mike just left her in Port Angeles! He's such a douche! I'm hoping SWCIFD comes to her rescue quickly :) |
ReDish chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Awesome! Mike is a bigger ass than I realized, abandoning her without a ride. Maybe you could have him wreck on the way home? |
JUST ME chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 WOW! What a jerk leaving her there. Also, I bet what he said to her will lead to some self questioning for Bella... I absolutely love Edward and Bella's interactions, they are really funny. wonder if the Volvo will magically appear out of "nowhere" to rescue her :) right, now I'm off to read Ethan Church...but please do not put Bright Like The Sun on the back burner :( that would break my heart. |
Sunfeathers chapter 11 . 6/4/2009 Ok Mike is SUCH an a*s! For so many reasons but especially because he just left Bella stranded all alone, at night, in the city! Why do I have a feeling something bad is going to happen - or almost happen - to her? I hope SWCIFD has been trailing her (as he's been known to do) and will show up to rescue her. Then he can go hunt down Mike and make him pay. :) Awesome update! |
Shdwcat27 chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 Awesome fic. I can't wait for more. |
YankeeDiva chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 Ok I'm placing odds she calls Edward for a ride home and not her Dad. Mike ok I can see him getting moony-boy miffy but geeze leaving a girl at night alone on a street in the city? So not cool man... Tonesof great lines in this chapter I always love reading this story it never fails to make me laugh. |
luluubelle chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 wtf! that squid! did Mike really just abandon Bella in PA? is Edward going to swoop in with the Volvo of great justice and rescue her? oh, and like I said on Rav... ... and that’s so much more disturbing.” Did he seriously just... ew. EW indeed. love all the banter between them. |
prettypretty pretty chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 i lOVE this story. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. you are a fantastic writer. there's nothing more annoying and eye-roll inducing than long-winded fanfic writers. you have the perfect amount of words. I really love your Edward. He is so real. He has the right amount of intrigue with out being too cool. He's confident and awkward at the same time... he matches Bella's banter.. it seems like he's waiting her out, like he knows that to get closer to Bella he has to worm his way in starting with the banter, and sneak some real stuff in there when she's not looking... Nice revelation that Bella keeps people out with her banter, never really saying anything about herself. Nice parallel to Edward's behavior. When E&B start talking about real stuff, it's going to be so good.. your new story sounds amazing, i'll definitely check it out soon. |
nosleep3 chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 Wow, Edward wasn't kidding. Mike really is an a**. He wants to argue because his ego's bruised, fine, but leaving her alone in P.A.? That's a new low. It also makes me wonder if Edward's going to teleport/show up, or if Bella's simply going to call her dad and say "Mike bailed on me, come get me please, and then do the Angry Cop/Dad thing and shoot him in the cojones." Have I told you how much fun it is, reading this story? |
JeNnNn chapter 11 . 6/3/2009 argh, mike. you're such a douchebag haha great chapter, love love LOVE the banter between edward n bella in this chappie. especially with the whole, 'newton-swan' thing that made me: lol haha great chapter! -jen |
MistyFate chapter 10 . 6/3/2009 Hey! I really love your narration for this story! You had me cracking up! The humor is fantastic. :) |