Reviews for Bright Like the Sun |
The all mighty and powerfulM chapter 8 . 5/6/2009 "Doesn’t this car make any noise? I bet it’d be great for stalking people. Maybe that’s why he bought it."- that is my favorite line, except maybe for mike and edward sounds dirty and a few others lmao... ok so its one of my favorites... i love this story! its fucking hilarous! cant wait for more :) |
hrandrlover1 chapter 8 . 4/26/2009 i absolutely adore this story and am loving the suspensful question of why Edward is being a freaky dick. I am ready to mate with your Bella character...seriously I love it that much. I love how witty and sarcastic she is it makes me giggle like a eight year caught crossdressing. Anybabes loving the story, keep up the good work and I am hoping for a quick update otherwise consider your liver eaten. Just joking but not really xx hrandrlover1xx |
kcdancer chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 great chapter. i really liked the stand-off between edward and mike. i'm looking forward to when alice finally gets her hands on bella. poor girl, won't know what hit her! |
t chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 this story is making me so happy -' you have the greatest humor ever! |
PuzzlePerfect9 chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 i really liked this chapter it was really amusing i cant wait for more! update soon please! |
YankeeDiva chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 I LOVE this story such great wit and humor written into both Edward and Bella in their play by play and you get a great sense of something creepy about the Cullens your just not sure what. I'm almost sad Edward is human for if he could read Bella's mind he's be in stitches laughing how her mind wanders. Cannot wait to read more of this it's a great read. Exceptional story telling. |
mymindisallgone chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 "He took this ridiculously perfect apple, and turned it into some sort of weird symbol that will, no doubt, be adopted by the cult he will eventually start. Maybe Jess can be one of his wives. He can rename her Macintosh. Her, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious can teach his weird kids all about Snow White when they explain why they’re all named after fruit, and they live on an apple orchard in the middle of fucking nowhere." HA! Funniest effing thing ever! (and i just read the whole thing today) |
fattoad chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 Really interesting! Can't wait for an update ;) |
prettypretty pretty chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 “Did he tell you jokes, or was it more of a quips type of humour?” - so funny. "It’s weird now. He made my apple weird. I wanted that apple." - loved this. great chapter, i love this story. I always like Edward better when he's not some silly high school womanizer, and this is a really great new spin. |
XXMrsJasperHaleXX chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 HAHAHAHA, i love this story, it is so funny : ) I cant wait to read more. lol xoxo steph |
vysed chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 Another great chapter! Normally I do not like when Bella spends so much time in her own head - but I swear, you write this so well. I totally love it. What is up with the other Cullens being all stand offish? Poor Alice just wants another buddy. hee hee. Can't wait to read what happens next. Thank you for updating. |
dream-air chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 Nice...I love it... |
thisisnotit chapter 8 . 4/23/2009 I really like the story so far and love the humourus dialogues. Bella's personality is very lovable and she can actually speak to edward without blushing so I guess that's progress. Keep on writing. |
Zalia chapter 7 . 4/19/2009 I love the answering machine message! And a sarcastic Bella naming inanimate objects cracks me up! And everyone calling Edward a vampire - he is one right? Love it, keep writing please! |
The all mighty and powerfulM chapter 7 . 4/11/2009 aw steve, i love naming things. In my friends dorm we named her macowave, tabitha, and her chesse taoster, ralph. Thats only to name a few.. anyway now that i sound completely crazy... update soon! |