Reviews for The Eighth Weasley
whythefockamistillhere chapter 9 . 11/13/2011
Red.Ninjaz chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
Fyrie I think that your story is amazing and please keep writing for the sake of all the good litterature left in the world!
sarlovesoccer chapter 71 . 7/21/2011
SO annoyed with you about the last line (of the story), I kinda wish that there was a sequal... anyway despite that; a really awesome story. I loved it!
vampyrefaerie524 chapter 48 . 2/26/2011
i love how you put in Rocky Horror! Time Warp rules!
zafaran chapter 22 . 8/13/2010
Just a bit of a picky note if you ever get a chance to go back and polish the chapters on this story. I think by this point in BtVS Willow has seen humans die, so the thestrals should be visible pulling the carriages at the station. This has been an interesting story so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the rest of the chapters. I hope your muse and schedule will allow you to write and post more chapters on more stories sometime soon. Keep up the good work. Zafaran
K.Henderson chapter 11 . 4/20/2010
"I'm sure I've heard that name somewhere." Did you elaborate on how Oliver Wood knew her name?

I was surprised that he didn't pop up more in this story-I've read it once before- I mean, when I read this I figured he and Buffy were a shoe in although I did enjoy the love hate with Snape she had.
Hellenbackagain chapter 71 . 3/23/2010
OH MY GOD! This has got to be THE best fic I've read! You're writing style is wonderful, and the imagery! AWESOMENESS in the extreme!
magicmumu chapter 71 . 2/5/2010
Great story. Seemed like a wild ride that took you seven years what with work and school and stuff. I wonder how long the next installment would take! :) I would love to see the chatacters and stuff reunite in the next story, and I hope to read more about Duncan and Leon in them too.

magicmumu chapter 70 . 2/5/2010
That was cool. he duncan/snape switcheroo, and thatr Duncn got one over on Dawn finally. I just wished for Duncan Dawn smoochies, but it wouln't have worked if it was Snape because Buffy would have been like 'this is so weird on so many different levels.'

magicmumu chapter 69 . 2/5/2010
Whoo! I so thought that Dawn really died. I was hopefull and then Faith and Spike cried so much and then I cried and then I lost hope. YOU ARE SO MEAN! But I was right and all is good. Sad for Narcissa, glad that Dawn feels that remorse but that Snape snapped her out of her moody stupor. Hope the last chapter is the end iof the year feast.

magicmumu chapter 67 . 2/5/2010
Holy crap this chapter made me cry. I wasn't so sad last chapter because I was so sure it was Narcissa, and now... Now I don't know, but with Faith and Spike being the ones to break down adn even Anya in her weard an tactless ways, I shed a few tears, which I don't do often in fic. I do hope I was right. though I grew to respect Narcissa, I don't know how I would feel if it really was Dawn who did it. I mean if it was Narcissa, it would explain Malfoy's look in the end.

magicmumu chapter 66 . 2/5/2010
Either it was Willow or it was Narcissa who took the Polyjuice and took Malfoy with them. They are the ones who could make the messege in the head like that. Whoa, that is sad after all she did for them...

magicmumu chapter 65 . 2/5/2010
I don't know why, but this reminds me of Beauty and the Beast when the household workers turned items began fighting back and chased most of the men away.

magicmumu chapter 64 . 2/5/2010
I wonder what was on the page. I can't wait to read it. I think it is odd that Lucious is helping them, but I think he has finally had enough of Glory, as they all have.

magicmumu chapter 63 . 2/5/2010
The part with Cameron almost made me cry dude. That is so sweet and sad and nice of him. Dumbledore must give him mad points at the end of the year feast. Arther said something about an order of Merlin, but I think Cameron should get one too! And Buffy. And Snapey.

I love the Hospital Wing banter with a passion though. The stuff between Faith and Sirius. They are so cute.

I like that Narcissa is still helping Dawn, and Dawn being so smart about tricking Glory. Awesome.

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