Reviews for The Eighth Weasley
Asanya chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
Woah, that definitely left me wanting more. I would have never guessed it'd be Willow! That was great! Put up another chapter ASAP!
Ms. Snape chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
Very nice. I will admit that at the point where Arthur is gathering all of the children, I became bored and scrolled down to the bottom, but after catching the part about Rowling telling Harry's story, I went back. You may want to think about rewriting the middle part. Making it shorter perhaps. But very good.
Amen chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
this is an amazing story...i love how willow gets played into this...she does look like what i would expect ginny to look like...its awesome...keep writing
lyndsey chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
ok, you can't leave it there! that's just mean! you must continue asap! please?
Fleur Delacour chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
omg! no, way! an american weasley. uve got to be iddin me! wow, u r brave, keep it up, its written well, only a few spelling mistakes. tootles!
Gothic Valley Girl chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
Very original idea. Get the next part out soon please!
Nomad1 chapter 1 . 12/3/2001
Oh, cool! What a great twist! I really didn't see that coming. No wonder Willow's so magical, and she doesn't seem to fit in with her family... what a brilliant idea! Please write more.
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