Reviews for Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards
jakeofalltrades91 chapter 20 . 10/28
While not the worst story I've's up there. I was hoping for a kick ass harry, and we got a whining boy with no spine to follow through. Nothing really happened...the entire story. I could pick it apart but honestly I don't care enough. Just disappointed chapter 2 . 10/26
the count of monte cristo.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/4
merlin aint a second coming of christ is hubis and we are not god
HarGrif chapter 2 . 9/24
That just shows how stupid you are! Edmund is the Count of Monte Cristo!
garvit.bansal234 chapter 20 . 9/1
bit childish but an ok read
Guest chapter 20 . 8/28
okay this was a story worth reading , i made a comment on him being back on hogwarts before and tbh i do stand by it harry shouldn't be back to hogwarts given how powerful he was and i honestly doubt that a simple magic binding spell could force him but nonethless the rest was absolutely marvellous , this is a story that certainly will go down as one of the few favorites ive read .
Guest chapter 3 . 8/28
absolutely unnecasary to have him back to hogwarts , honestly made me kinda hate this chapter with passion , why the f would he comply honestly he could just burn the fuckers and be done with it , i don't understand the reason for his compliance , wonderful going so far in the story his compliance with whatever dumbies does is kinda ruining tho , him being stronger than Tom riddle should effectively mean he's stronger than dumbies , thank you for listening to my rant tho i have to the add the story is going great
caspar jones chapter 20 . 8/27
Damn girl... call me proud of your work.
Koldbones chapter 20 . 8/20
great story ty
Koldbones chapter 12 . 8/20
why is he even in the same class as ginny shes a ear younger
KingGluttony chapter 20 . 8/17
While the story was captivating, there were some glaring problems.
1. Harry whined at every oppertunity. I get he was done unimaginable harm, but he comes off as a petulant teenager at times (I know he is a teenager but still), rather than the aggrieved person he is trying to portray himself as. This is especially so in the court chapters where he is constantly interjecting, with little repercussions.
2. There was also the poor use of a time turner, which Harry used to have an alternate identity to further go after revenge. Beyond the hatred it shares with Harry against those who wronged him, it feel like a different person. His alternate identity is primed to stay in the Wizarding World and get involved in their affairs, despite Harry constantly saying he just wants to leave them to their own devices.
3. There were so many plotlines that were never really worked out. What is Olivander? What is Harry's relationship with the twins, Luna, and Hagrid like going foward? Is there a path going foward where the Wizarding World no longer sees a decline in the potential of their wizards? Was Dumbledore proven right in some way as Harry is going to be involved in training the next generations of wizards and witches? What happened with those other unexplored branches of magic users (namely Voodoo, Wiccans, Techno mages)?
4. My biggest problem is that the ending feels rushed. After seeing the conclusion of his revenge year, Harry has gotten revenge on everyone and that is it. He barely has any friends and no love interest. We do not see him start a life in the non magical world. We do not see the foundation he created do any good work. We do not even get a paragraph showing that he is actually content. He got his revenge and that is it.
Ultimately, while the premise was good, it feels like it should have been fleshed out more, even if it was just an epiloge to say that "Yes, Harry has found a life, beyond his revenge."
AnimeGuy93 chapter 10 . 8/16
Harry is such a whine bitch in this fic
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3
Every time I read a story with an asshole Dumbledore, I think of Michale Gambon (spelling?) And all good or at least bad hindsight Dumbledore as Richard Harris. Is that just me? Still a well done story.
Doctor Lumos chapter 20 . 7/10
An interesting story. One thing that troubled me was the idea that Harry and Lord Ravenclaw were the same individual through use of a time turner. That seems unworkable when one did not know how long they would need to overlap. For example in the trial of Fudge, the trial would last days if needs be. An enjoyable read though.
PeaceablePenguinElf chapter 1 . 7/7
Just read this all at one time, a fantastic story. Well plotted, consistent, loving the parallels to Dumas. Beautifully done with appropriate paybacks. I am curious about the Council, this is a wonderful invention that would be great to see again.
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.
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