Reviews for Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards
Alsmitie98 chapter 1 . 10/28/2022
I love the edgings books. I’ve read them for 15 years now since I was 10
Dracodraconus chapter 2 . 10/24/2022
The Count of Monty Cristo
Kai chapter 15 . 10/10/2022
Bones definite misheard what Harry said. Harry said "concentration camp". He never said "Nazi concentration camp". The British interned Boer civilians in concentration camps forty years earlier. Not nearly as many died as in the Nazi camps (even excluding the dedicated extermination camps), but AFAIR it still went into the five digits. And men were sent into camps somewhere else, like India. The tens of thousands who were let die were women and children. Still, she was right in that no one died at Hogwarts under Umbridge's dictatorship. It was Dumbledore's dictatorship where people died. Same place, though...
Nulled Void chapter 20 . 10/5/2022
Guest chapter 10 . 10/2/2022
Harry’s speeches are getting very boring.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/2/2022
“Neville and me” is actually correct in that sentence. Harry had it right.
Chris Fox chapter 20 . 10/3/2022
I think i've read this story once before, but it must have been a really long time back. But all the same it was really enjoyable to read again because I could not really remember it anymore while I was reading it... Its sad what happened in the story but in the end it was a good story. I liked the ending with Luna. And I kind of wonder what Harry will be doing now besides raising that child.
keht.jelicho chapter 20 . 10/2/2022
brilliant story.
And I do like the ending, but cannot deny I had a slight hope that Harry and Luna would get together. the hurt and anger were still too raw throughout the time period of this story however, for both of them. So at best it is only a future possibility, and even then more likely to be a LunaLiam Dante possibility.
that said I think another pairing could happen and be fitting in if Liam did end up with the receptionist for the squib lawyer he met near Christmas. Just think that was a bit of a meet cute (if I understand that term) and given enough time/interactions it could make a cute story of "how we met" to tell future kids. I do see Liam continuing to work with the Squib solicitor as he mentioned having several investments in non-magic world, so the opportunity does seem to exist for him to keep meeting the receptionist, and honestly I could see him having a relationship with a non-magical.
keht.jelicho chapter 17 . 10/2/2022
personal headcanon shall be that Fudge at Minimum is declared to have broken the Compact and thus deserves to Personally face the penalty of loss of magic, at least to squib level, thus negating the need for the magic suppression cuffs and denying even temporary relief from them he would otherwise gain when off work shifts.
personally I would have the Queen, as is her right, demand a full accounting and restructuring of the magical government such that it returns to compliance and further require that ALL senior government officials, ministry and wizengamot, swear magically binding oaths on the positions themselves to protect the non-magical world
keht.jelicho chapter 11 . 10/2/2022
I think that episode of Twilight Zone was one of if not the very first episode I ever came across
keht.jelicho chapter 2 . 10/2/2022
heh, nice reference to Count of Monte Cristo
Last Harper chapter 17 . 9/16/2022
You could of mentioned the punishment for treason in the UK at that time.
m.a.n.y.a.l.e.o chapter 20 . 9/7/2022
thank you for writing it.
m.a.n.y.a.l.e.o chapter 20 . 9/7/2022
I read this story today for the third time and despite the chaos it was so satisfying..
mylife9 chapter 20 . 8/29/2022
harry's vengeance was planned out very well and i feel that the punishments did match the crimes. i also think it's great that, for someone who's adamant he won't be in the wizarding world, he created a persona that would almost force him to stay so that he can enact the changes he wants to the school.

what a fun read! thanks for sharing!
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