Reviews for Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards
CMVreud chapter 20 . 4/1/2021
Hooo~ now that's a win-win trade-off for the majority of the involved parties.
While I think the trial part was a bit stretchy, like in two chapters too much, I liked the story.
Just needed a bit more hellfire and brimstone for seasoning.
CMVreud chapter 15 . 4/1/2021
I am surprised that I hear nothing about the 'pedigree, blood and station of a Lord of a noble and most ancient House' directed at the Sirius Black case, or at all, like with Potter. Killing Lords, Heir-appearents, heirs of the noble ruling class and giving them no trials and no defense. I think that should've been a more prominent point in these proceedings, and that Dumbodork as his should have told and/or trained him in all knowledge needed befitting a scion of such standing.
saavy chapter 3 . 4/1/2021
Mrs Weasley can stop the twins from joining the order even after they're 17. This isn't because they haven't reached the legal age. It's because Dumbledore runs the fucking order, and Mrs Weasley definitely has enough balls to make sure Dumbledore doesn't allow her sons to enter without her say so.
Why am I feeling so angry right now? The angst in your story is really having an effect on my emotions. Hope it gets a little lighter later. Nice story anyways.
CMVreud chapter 2 . 3/31/2021
Awww, I think everyone who'd read, no, heard of the story knows where Harrys new name is from.
HoneyBear84 chapter 20 . 3/27/2021
Loved it
Ethan Rhodes chapter 7 . 3/22/2021
\"Oh and just who is going to teach me how to use it?" Harry sneered. "You? Professor Flitwick perhaps?" He paused then added, "Oh I know, how about the great Albus Dumbledork himself?"/

Woulda been funnier to call him "the great ballpus fumblepork" lol
Jcjonesacp chapter 14 . 3/13/2021
More a question then a review since I’m retreading the story, is Harry Liam Dantes, I’m confused since they both share scenes together yet Ginny said she smells like Harry so I’m confused on that.
jaqmaq77 chapter 20 . 2/25/2021
I quite liked it, but it left me with questions...
Like Tonks... what did she do to anger Harry?
setokayba2n chapter 18 . 2/17/2021
So... Did Harry forgot or just ignored that while "Arthur is Honorable" he approved to send him to Azkaban, Molly to put a Mickey in the Twins and used his contacts to block them?
ToddGilliss chapter 6 . 2/11/2021
Why is snape out?
Smartyul chapter 20 . 2/11/2021
Guest chapter 20 . 2/5/2021
And that ending
It left me with a smile
Thank you for the
Incredible story
Mark chapter 19 . 1/30/2021
Immaculate conception does not refer to virgin birth/incarnation. It refers to the conception of Mary by Anna and Joachim. This is a widespread misunderstanding.
Mark chapter 17 . 1/30/2021
I must really be enjoying this story: this is the third e-mail regarding it. Henry de Blois was Bishop of Winchester and not Archbishop of Canterbury. He was, though, for a time Papal Legate.
Mark chapter 6 . 1/29/2021
I commented on a grammar point in the last chapter; this time I want to congratulate you on the correct plural, 'Heads of House'. More than one other writer has that wrong.
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