Reviews for The Only Ones Left
penglass chapter 15 . 10/29/2002
THIS IS SOOOOO GOOOOOOD! Omg! I know that you are going to continue this anyway, but please oh please oh please do it quickly. THANK YOU!
Leefta chapter 15 . 9/28/2002
An incredible journey into the tortured mind of Tobias. It was marvelously captured. Spectacular. I hope you don't stop here.
dima343 chapter 15 . 9/27/2002
It was good until chapter 15. HOW COULD YOU ALLOW A DAEMON TO BE TORTURED SO. Im dissapointed, humph!
Jave Harron chapter 15 . 7/29/2002
Another interesting story, though odd at times... It's spread out a bit, and is VERY easy to read. The little mess in the last chapter was quite interesting...
riosundance chapter 15 . 7/28/2002
good, lke it please keep writing, Tobias is saved isnt he? please say wouldnt work otherwise ... how could it? aaah. luv Rio x
Ghost chapter 15 . 7/28/2002
Oi, Nation! Long time no see! Sorry to have neglected my own HDM-fic, but I have fallen into a Anime craze and I have to wait for it to burn out. Don't worry, I haven't given up hope on The Stained Blade just yet.

This was... kinda disturbing. A neat little mess you've put Tobias in, huh? Can't wait to see how he gets out. See ya!
Shadow Phantom chapter 15 . 7/18/2002
Wow. Just wow. I'm speechless.
Malenth chapter 1 . 7/13/2002
OKAY! Here i am! Reviewing! I told you what i thought in real life, but that wasn't enough! joking. it was a great first chapter, eventhough i know nothing about the story line. I'll read again when my computer is fed up. well we gotta put the tent up, bye!
Ezra chapter 1 . 7/11/2002
yaay. I can finally review this darn thing! *hopes* Anyway, very descriptic. Good job. Good, yes, very good. I loved it. _.
littleredfruit chapter 15 . 6/19/2002
That was bloody brillainT! You HAVE to write more! It's the best fan-fic on this website. loadsa love littleredfruit
dismal day chapter 15 . 6/16/2002
I don't have to lie to say that this chapter is good!

I liked the conversation between Will and Kirjava. As Ceres Wunderkind said before, that's exactly why we have daemons. To argue with you if necessary, to help you think things through, but most importantly to stand by you at all costs.

This idea shows in the slightly more disturbing encounter between Tobias and his daemon. To the end, she is convinced that it was all her fault'. Poor Aerotsierma.

Sidney Dune is incredibly evil. I love the way he talks :'you will mossst ssssertainly not fail me, sssniper.' Sounds a bit like Gollum.
Maruzoku chapter 15 . 6/13/2002
DAMN... This is the best HDM fic on here!...

...I can't believe Tobias did that... ~,~

Such a good chapter...though sad

I CAN'T wait for the next chapter too! Keep up the good writing! ,
Aylee the Dragon chapter 15 . 6/12/2002
O_o WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Tobias got a little creepy on us! What kind of person beats up their own daemon! HUH! He needs a hug! *hugs tobias* Hey I loved this chapter even though it was a bit odd but I can't wait for the next chapter! _
TheNightIsFading chapter 15 . 6/11/2002
That was a really good chapter. I hope Aero is all right. I can't believe Tobias did that to her. And what will happen to Will and Lyra and Iris? Keep writing.
Ceres Wunderkind chapter 15 . 6/11/2002
Oh goody! More great action writing, more super plot development, yet another nasty situation!

Keep 'em coming!
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