Reviews for It's an Odd Coincidence
Guest chapter 6 . 9/8/2012
I have not laughed this much in a long time. Thank you.
Singollo Lomien chapter 57 . 7/24/2012
This is a wonderful story. Very well-written. Most of the time LotR crossovers are not very good and wind up completely trashing the story. Yours stayed true to both worlds. I really hope you write the sequel.
Eldeweiss chapter 57 . 7/9/2012
This is an amazing story it had me cracking up at all the references

Black Firelight chapter 57 . 7/1/2012
...i have spent the last THREE days readung this one...and i don't know i wish to throttle more; myself or you. XD i need a sequel here. . If only you hadn't ended it so intriguingly! Ughhhh... :/ le sigh...well, at this rate all i can ask is do you still plan on making a sequel and if so do you have an idea of when you'll be putting it out there?
zigmas chapter 2 . 6/20/2012
So, are you (PLEASE!) gonna write the sequel?

It would be so cool..!
SipiiW chapter 57 . 6/7/2012
I just read all of 'its an odd coincedence' and i am stunned. This is easely the best tenth walker fic I have ever read! The characterisation was just right and the plot was fresh without straying from context. I will give you my firstborn and 1000 internets if yoo continue with the sequel!
zigmas chapter 8 . 5/2/2012

On the previous chapter.

If Aragorn is (supposedly, until this chapter) Elrond's SON and Arwen is Elrond's DAUGHTER, well...

How could they be LOVERS?

THIS should've been Logan's first thought (or at least second).

Am I right or wrong in something?

Sure, NOW it's clear that he's not his true son, but like I said, in the previous chapter Logan didn't know it yet...

zigmas chapter 7 . 5/2/2012
Not exactly about the fic:

I hate the X-Men MOVIES for how they dealt with the Jean/Phoenix situation...

In the CARTOON, it was much, much nicer...

Yeah, "children's show", but the movies were too DARK.

I hate that.

X-Men shouldn't be DARK, at all.
zigmas chapter 6 . 5/2/2012

I so love when this happens!

Ian McKellen: BOTH Gandalf AND Magneto!

www. imdb name/ nm0005212/
zigmas chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
Like the few last reviewers said, this is old yet great.

Sure, I read just the first chapter, but it already made me want to read the whole story, a usual sign of a good story indeed. :D
Umpteenth Walker chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
I love this fic! Wolverine is just so hilarious XD


esking chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Brilliant! I really love this little bits of culture shock between Aragorn and Logan. Genius.
MetalGhost chapter 57 . 3/29/2012
I realize this has been done for a while and is two years old, so my critique may be somewhat out of date. Regardless, I imagine that it'll be fairly easy to ignore should the need arise, so I will continue.

I enjoyed the story except for two things, and only one of which is a problem with your writing. That would be that occasionally you have a habit of overdescribing things with run-on sentences. For example, you did it when Logan was making a reference to Dracula/vampires, and occasionally when describing beer, and once when describing the elven lights (during the party in Gondor). It just sounds clumsy and distracting. Generally speaking, you will never need more than like two ands in a single sentence.

The second thing I disliked (and again this is more a personal distaste rather than a writing critique) was, to put it bluntly, the moronic characterization of Logan. For basically the entirety of the story, he was a complete imbecile. I remember some authors notes saying that you took his personality more from the movie-verse than the comics, but even with that I still don't get that same depiction of him. While I realize that you were also trying to put "culture-shock" in there, I feel even that was overdone. Even in the movies after he lost his memories he traveled basically non-stop, which would provide at least some skill in adaptability, which would have deadened the amount he experienced even from such a radical change. Again, this is merely my personal opinion, and not a slight to your writing skills at all.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the story a lot! Thanks for writing :)
StrangePointOfView chapter 57 . 3/5/2012
This was one fantastic story. Logan's interactions with the cast were brilliant, and they shared the same amount of screentime. The way you combined elements from the movies and the books was grand too, and the romance was touching. I do hope you write a sequel to this.
Capito Celcior chapter 57 . 2/12/2012
Hey Telcontar. I just finished this story for the third or maybe fourth time, and I was wondering just when we will finaly delight in the sequel? Because to be honnest I added you to my author allert for the sole reason of being among the first to be warned of when you write it. To be honest, I read the first ten or so chapters of your x-men/true blood crossover, but since I'm not really interested in True Blood, I quickly gave up on that. But you have written many other stories, yet no sequel of this; your greatest masterpiece (according to me).

Or I could be wrong, misread the alerts and have thus been mssing out for the last however long. Just to be safe I'll check after I finish this review, but I doubt it. Still, great work. And I love how you portray Sidhien. Devoted, skilled in the more traditionally feminine arts, not feminist, but still with a core of steel underneath that soft persona. Not in the way of a warrior, but in the way of a wife who can handle all the horrible things her husband must perform as a warrior and without blinking an eye can soothe all his sorrows and help him overcome his doubts. The very definition of the Great Woman behind a Great Man.
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