Reviews for It's an Odd Coincidence
Zero chapter 42 . 10/22/2022
Zero chapter 41 . 10/22/2022
I love how you write your female OC.
Its a bit sudden that she loves him to death but then i remember she is an elf from TolkienVerse, Love works faster and better in that world.
Zero chapter 40 . 10/22/2022
There goes the best version of sabretooth ever.
Zero chapter 39 . 10/22/2022
I didnt remember this.
Its way better than i expected.
Zero chapter 38 . 10/22/2022
Its time.
Zero chapter 37 . 10/22/2022
I remember that chapter.
I coulndt understand what was happening because my english was so bad.
Zero chapter 36 . 10/22/2022
Saruman with a rainbow cape...
I get the reference.
Zero chapter 35 . 10/22/2022
He is about to explode...
Zero chapter 34 . 10/22/2022
Zero chapter 33 . 10/22/2022
I wonder how the battle could went if they allowed the women in the armies...
Zero chapter 32 . 10/22/2022
Here it comes.
Zero chapter 31 . 10/22/2022
Victor is cold .
Zero chapter 30 . 10/22/2022
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice !
Zero chapter 29 . 10/22/2022
Sabretooth in Wolverine Origins is cool but his comic version is lame.
I wished he wasnt a spy.
Zero chapter 28 . 10/22/2022
Well, Tolkien inspired his work in the bible so at least it is a reference.
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