Reviews for The Happening of After the End
AsianBrat chapter 6 . 9/20/2012
Very good
Bunny chapter 5 . 9/16/2012
Go Tito
Bunny chapter 4 . 9/16/2012
So this fatama lady knows who Kali is?
Bunny chapter 3 . 9/16/2012
Sooooooo. CUTE!
Bunny chapter 2 . 9/16/2012
Very nice. Kali with hair like Iblani. Wonder what that look like
Bunny chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
This was unexpected Luv it
Average Cat chapter 8 . 9/7/2011
I love this story, and I cant wait for the next chapter.
Jem Langford chapter 8 . 5/19/2011
Great story, I love it. I always wondered what would happen after the ending of Red River, well of a lot of things actually. Can't wait till the next chapter.
lethalwrath chapter 8 . 12/29/2010
I absolutely love this story!

Do you plan on continuing it?

I really cannot wait to see where you are going to take this!

This is by far one of my favorite fanfics

Please Please please continue and update! PLEASE! D
NinjaHandyMan08 chapter 8 . 11/17/2010
Hey there!

I love this fanfictions interesting plot! I also like the newly introduced characters (Mali, Sayuri, Tito, etc), and cant wait to find out what happens to them! XD

Are you going to be continuing on with this? If yes, i cant wait to read the next chapter! I love it so far! :D :D

MRS.CULLEN1122 chapter 8 . 11/9/2010
Omg i lov lov lovve this

this fic iz amazing

i cnt wait to read more

plz plz plz update soon

ur such a gr8 writer

i cnt wait till kail finds out that his daugher pulled a complete mulan trick lol

Plz plz plz write more asap!
Chin-92 chapter 8 . 3/24/2010
GOSH! Thanks for this story and thanks for this update!

I totally love it!

Gosh... I wish I wrote if you hadn't, I would due to fan fever! LOL but yeah... thanks for this story!

I'll be waiting for an update to know what's going to happen to Sayuri!
Panderfly chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
hmm... somehting to think about.
anonymous chapter 8 . 2/18/2010
The story line is really good! Please continue it! I love where it is going and I want to know more !
Ice-creamy-life chapter 8 . 1/10/2010
WOW! I must say this is written very well!
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