Reviews for Betrayal's Touch
ripper34 chapter 29 . 2/7
Good story I hope you update it.
KuroKitsuneNoYoko chapter 29 . 10/11/2024
still love this!
Rea chapter 29 . 10/1/2024
I love the fact that this is very different from what is normally seen, thank you for sharing this. I hope that you will continue this someday.
littlespite chapter 29 . 9/20/2024
WEll this needs to be said .. Where's the rest ...Great story so far thanks.
Keep up the great work.
TheLiterarySuccessor chapter 29 . 6/24/2023
Can you please update this amazing fic?
Guest chapter 29 . 6/19/2023
JJFicFreak chapter 26 . 5/24/2023
This story is awesome, can't even how many many times I've reread it.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/10/2023
I really wish you would come back to finish this story!
Careena1 chapter 29 . 4/1/2023
This is a great story. Please update it!
Alya88 chapter 29 . 1/29/2023
schöne geschichte ich hoffe du schreibst sie bald weiter. sind ja schon seit dem letzten update fünf jahre her. ich hoffe du hast sie nicht aufgegeben. ich finde alle deine geschichten von harry poter richtig gut und kann sie immer wieder lesen und frage mich natürlich wann du sie weiter schreibst.

gruß alya88
IloveHeat chapter 29 . 9/25/2022
I’m sorry you never continued this. But thank you for an interesting read.
Bloodnoir61 chapter 29 . 9/24/2022
By far one of my favorites
Guest chapter 29 . 7/20/2022
This was such an interesting story. Sadly all good stories remain incomplete without a care for readers. Loved the transformation and education of muggleborns. Would have loved Harry defeating Dumbledore, showing his true face to others as well as his true face when everyone get to know that Harry graduated early.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/20/2022
Shame to the writers who think it's perfectly acceptable and within morals to show a man or woman old enough (15/20years older) to be father of mother of a child to show him or her mate or life partner of a young child or even a person young enough to be his/her child. So immoralistic not to mention shameful, child molestation too no matter how defensive you act. It's wrong. You would like your father to have relations with your age friends or your father's friends to have sex with you I am sure?
Hadesworld chapter 27 . 7/16/2022
As we all laugh evilly
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