Reviews for Just One of the Guys
Guest chapter 28 . 8/31
Please finish this story!
Sky LeVan chapter 28 . 1/3/2023
I know it has been more than 10 years but did you finish this story? If so, where can I read it?
TeamRosemmett chapter 28 . 1/8/2022
Update please
TinkaPrime chapter 28 . 12/25/2020
I love this story I’m a chick I play wow, d&d and other games.
TinkaPrime chapter 12 . 12/23/2020
God I know how getting raid parties together in the old days were now it’s just a button and a bunch of pugs unless u have a great guild.
StrawberryFreesia chapter 26 . 7/24/2020
Love Edward and Emmett's friendship.
StrawberryFreesia chapter 14 . 7/23/2020
I'm worried about Rose. If Royce is anything like he is in Stephenie meyers books then I hope Bella figures it out and goes to jasper... maybe get emmett and edward to help. warning signals go off when people seem to isolate from their friends. I'm worried that if Rose ends up in the hospital before Bella works things out poor bella will be distraught with herself and she has so much already going on. I desperately hope you continue this story. IT's one of my favourites I have ever read. I love Bella, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice...don't really know Rose yet but I love them all. Curious about Jessica...also curious about the relationship that Edward had that ended in a brutal breakup...also wondering about Edward's and Alice's parents and childhood.
ebdarcy.qt4good chapter 28 . 12/20/2019
Great work! Really interesting read so far. I love that your author's note says it won't be as long of a wait for the next chapter, but that was 2010 and now it's almost 2020 so I won't hold my breath lol. But if you do ever update, I'd love to read it!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/21/2019
Jasper has a special place because he is her best friend
Guest chapter 12 . 5/20/2019
Does Emmett play WoW?
RaisingArrows127 chapter 12 . 1/29/2019
Lol! The first time that I read this fic, I was in HS...and the hours that they are keeping weren’t totally foreign! Needless to say, it’s been a while. I’ve gotten married and had a few kids in the interim, and NOW staying up all hours of the night and chillin’ at the gym in the afternoons is so foreign. Almost like an alternate universe unto itself, haha! Still love this fic! It’s one of the tried and true!
Guest chapter 28 . 1/4/2019
I come back to re-read this story every year and love it more each time. I know it’s been 8 years but I still hold out hope that maybe you will update someday or let us know if you publish it in some other form. If you are still writing, please know you still have loyal readers and such a gift for the written word! It’s honestly one of the best love stories I’ve ever read. I love the amazing writing and strong characters. I wish you well with wherever you are in your life and thank you for sharing this story with us. Even unfinished, it brings me so much joy.
Fleur50 chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
Départ canon!
Shefanirainbow chapter 28 . 9/18/2018
I love this story and I hope that finished one day.
panther73110 chapter 28 . 3/31/2018
Just found your story and hope u finish it one day.
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