Reviews for The Original Deeper Than Blood |
well.just.imagine chapter 10 . 12/4/2009 it's too bad the rest of this story wasn't finished or published here. It's very well written, and the plot is very different and intriguing. I've enjoyed what I have read of this story. Thanks for giving me a nice way to spend my time! |
Celinda Nelt chapter 1 . 11/27/2008 could you please! continue? I've come back after a few years of studying(because of university) and I still find this story good, even though I've read it a few times! please continue, it's a really great story.. ! |
Shining Bright Eyes chapter 10 . 6/13/2007 Ooh! I think I've read part of this stroy before, ages ago! Absolutely AWESOME - any chance of an update? *huge grin* it's absolutely awesome. YOu said it yoursef, only a few more chapters to go! I do like this one very much. I like your characterisation of Draco, he's very intelligent without overdoing it. Jeez. I REALLY want to see some more of this - PLEASE update! I know it's been awhile but PLEASE :D Bright Eyes |
Scribbling Death chapter 10 . 9/6/2005 PLEASE update! |
Scribbling Death chapter 7 . 9/6/2005 Did I mention i love this story? |
Scribbling Death chapter 5 . 9/6/2005 I love this story, since it's another one that makes me hate Harry. You know, Harry really is an arrogant toe prick, isn't he? Anyway, Draco seems better sometimes. |
imelda72 chapter 10 . 1/29/2005 Well. You haven't updated this in more than I year, I see, though I just found it myself last night. Does this mean you've abandoned it? And with only 2-4 chapters left? That would be very painful. This fic is a real gem. Although so much has happened since the beginning that I can hardly even remember what happened before the mess they're all in now! I am surprised that I like Malcolm so much; I really hated him in the beginning, but since he appeared unwillingly in front of Draco in St Louis I've grown to like him a lot. Fate is very annoying; that whole mess-around-with-your-lives bit was disheartening. But see, you can't leave us here because we don't know what the bloody 6-point ritual was even about! Is there any hope for this fic being finished? |
kittybro chapter 10 . 7/5/2004 wowie yer so talented! I stayed up all night reading this! ITs just so good! |
The Master chapter 10 . 7/2/2004 Wow...I've been completely hooked on this story, sadly looking at the screen for such a long period of time has given me a rather strong headache. Not that it can be helped. This story is absolutly fantastic! A very talented writter you are in deed. Please continue as I am extremly interested to see what happens to my favorite of JKR's characters. |
Luthina chapter 10 . 6/20/2004 Hello there. I started reading this story about a week ago and it's so long I just only now finished it. What a great story! You're plot's so involved it could be a novel! You're such a great writer. I hope you find the time to update again soon. I see it's been six months since you last did. Please get a new chapter up soon! It's summer, time for updates. :-) I can't wait to read more! This is truely wonderful. Later Dayz! -TKF :-D |
Boh chapter 10 . 5/16/2004 Your story is absolutely fabulous. I just love the way Draco's mind works (very intricate charecter and personality ) - that sounds kind of akward but anyways... I've come across your story some 2 weeks ago and I couldn't get my eyes away from it. I don't understand why you haven't got more reviews (admirers). It might be due to the long time between your updates. Hope you add a new chap soon. |
starspy chapter 10 . 5/15/2004 wonderfully written with a unique plot..I like how you've taken fanfic to a new level with your own characters, plots and subplots...can't wait for more! |
lorna chapter 10 . 4/2/2004 hey, just wanted to say how much i love The origianal deeper than blood. I love the whole split personalities thing, its fantastic! And the ginny/draco romance. this is one of the best fanfic's i've ever read! Lorna |
gal-texter chapter 1 . 3/17/2004 Hi, I'm a Moderator in another site. I'm not sure if I'd given this link before, so I figure I'd leave it here just in case I haven't: . ?showtopic3510 Feel free to post anything (civil) in there. :) |
lisac chapter 10 . 12/24/2003 Ok, I started this story last night and am thouroughly enthralled. I love this Draco, waring within himself is great. Thank you for writing and keep up the GREAT work! |