Reviews for The Ineloquence of Marriage
sweetnemesis91 chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
This was really good! It was so well written and incredibly funny. I look forward to reading more from you. x
Chocola Emo Shizzle chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
OMG. Freaking hilarious! XD! I love this so much!
gonegoneaway chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
Ah Tifa You're always such a bold woman lol This was cute!
Sky Blue Baby chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
This was so frikin' cute! I loved it, especially Tifa's manipulating mother characterization.
TechnicolorHeart chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
This story is excellent and fabulous and hilarious. I love it! You've brought new life to the arranged marriage concept! Tifa makes a great, and amusingly manipulative, mother to poor Roxas- she made me crack up with her blunt statements and perfect timing. Roxas's attempt to weasel out of the marriage is also great, I love how you work it into the ending. The banter, in the end, especially, but throughout as well, is very clever and fun. I like the score-keeping,too; it made for a nice finish. I must say, Golden-Nightmare has good taste in requests.

Have a great day!
burned out from exhaustion chapter 1 . 2/17/2009

Very cute idea. I found myself liking this story more and more with every sentence. (Conor chastized me more than once for laughing loudly.) And the small bit of delicious AkuRoku was...lovely, of course. xD I absolutely ADORED the handcuff concept!

Awesome job. It's always nice to read your work :D
CaCoPhOnY Of ScReAmS chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
Hahaha! I love Roxas' mom, too! Tifa is an evil genius in this! I applaud you!

Though I have to say, my favourite part was the, "Gay marriage isn't legal yet!" "We live in Canada, silly!" part. Now if Axel and Roxas were ACTUALLY IN CANADA, my life would be complete. I'd freaking look up their names in the phone book and move into the house beside theirs. Even if I had to kill the current occupants :D just kidding!

But seriously though, I freaking LOVED this story!
LollipopLove chapter 1 . 2/17/2009

And pretty hot for a T rated fic x'3

The ending was BRILLIANT * U *
DooBaaDee chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
Fucking hot.
Cymbala chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
I absolutely adored it. This is just what I needed to make my day take a turn for the better. Great writing style and adorable plot ;D Keep up the good work!

kurosora1984 chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
RATED T? AUGH, YOU LEFT ME HANGIN! led me on! Axel seducing him...and basically chopping it off right as it got ESPECIALLY good...and then giving me a little more to drool over at the end ("husband's bed" OMFG) and then CUTTING ME OFF AGAIN! N-n-n-naked Axel! NAKED AXEL! Baww I wanna waatch! *sobbing*

As soon as I realized he was gonna handcuff himself to the try to get rid of AXEL...I was just like, Oh, no, Roxie dear...that is the exact WRONG way to go about it. *tragic headshake* Oh, but SO loltastic. XD XD XD XD

I'M SO GLAD TO SEE HOW NOT DEAD YOU ARE! YAY! WRITE AND POST, I LOVE IT! *GLOMPAGE* Things must be busy lately. :D Well, I'll certainly settle for droolish, hilarious oneshots. Though I DO wish they were rated M... *wistful sigh*

hibernat chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
LOL! I totally loved this lil one-shot! It was uber duber funny and even though it was somewhat shorter than your other one-shot/chapters, you still managed to get some hot boy on boy-er, excuse me-Axel on Roxas action into there somehow. That, my friend, is HAWT. xD You're such a great author... but sometimes, I wish that you would continue the other fantastic stories that you've written! It's not a problem if you give your fans something like this sexy piece of art, but it would be nice if you updated. :) It's just a suggestion. I'd wait for your stories years on end if I had to. :P I just had to point that out. But other than that, this little one-shot was fucking awesome, so keep up the amazing work! I wish you luck!
QueenoftheFireflyFilledNights chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
I just about died of laughter. Great storyHave a fantabulous day!
Miharu-tenshi chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
whoa, i love this. xD arranged marriage is awesome! especially between Roxas and Axel lol. short but funny. :D absolutely my fav.
ThexNameless chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
Haha, that was great xD

Loved the ending
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