Reviews for My Singularity
OurThirteenSenses chapter 3 . 5/2/2009
I absolutely love this story. Waiting on your next update! xx
RunWonderlandRun chapter 3 . 4/14/2009

Poor Sam! Guy just can't get a break can he?

I actually am very much liking how you portray Sam. And I am very curious as to what his background is to make him so...well, so mad at his parents and just a bit screwed up. Loved that he is strong though, and good at taking Jack's crap. Some other fanfiction paint him to be a lot like JD...but for some reason, I always figured Sam would have more be stronger than his father.

Loved how Jack kind of had that "Eureka!" moment, and went over there to save Sam. Heh and how Sam refused the hospital. I burst out laughing at the "Carol" part though, cause honestly? AWESOME. I can see them having a kind of sort of same relationship as JD and Dr. Cox, though Jack does't seem to be emotionally crippled and Sam doesn't seem willing to put up with his attitude.

But now I am curious as to how close they'll get?...I'll be waiting for the next update! Great Chapter!
OurThirteenSenses chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
Only two reviews? And from the same person?

A travesty!

I think it's really well written - intriquing, with all these hints and tips weaved into the plot - and i'm pretty sure it's really origional, but maybe thats slightly too soon to tell. I've can't remember ever reading anything like it though.

It's really captured my interest, which TBH is unusual for a genfic. So Kudos!

I'm really looking forward to more of this. I think that deserves a high five :D

RunWonderlandRun chapter 2 . 2/25/2009
Well this does raise more questions then answers but hey, I'm loving it so far!(and now I'm curious is his "mom" is Kim or or Elliot?

Anyways, love how this is turning out. Very mysterious, the story line runs smooth. The whole story just flows together VERY well. Nothing akward about it at all. And I'm curious as to how the relationship between Sammy and Jack will develop. I can't see Sammy taking any of Jack's BS like JD did Dr. Cox. So that'll be interesting.

And of course the whole mystery of why Sammy can't remember being attacked and who this killer is, is just awesome. This has to be one of the most original story I've read here. Can't wait for another update!
RunWonderlandRun chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
Ok, I'm intriuged...very.

I'm guessing, but what its written, that Sam does not look kindly at his childhood. Also, that he might not have had any contact with JD through out his life? Cause if he would have, I mean...he WOULD have KNOW Jack. And they didn't seem to know each other. So I'm curious as to the back story.

BUT I'm also curious as to how this story is gonna pan out. Whats gonna be following Sammy around, and what the relationship between Jack and him would be like.

A really original take on Scrubs I think. Loved the idea that you made Jack a detective, and not a Doctor like his father. Can't wait to see whats gonna happen next chapter.