Reviews for Regret
Illuminated chapter 16 . 2/24
Too bad Naruto couldn”t use all those jutsus to do something constructive for Konoha, like digging a new reservoir, or some big public works project.
Luciendar chapter 11 . 1/29
Can't say I like it much. I'm trying to hang in there, but it's rough. I don't care much for the way you write, your characters feel flat, and Naruto didn't have nearly as much growth as he should've.

I agree that canon is stupid. Naruto's improvement after the years away was pitiful. But you didn't do much better.

10 hrs a day times six days a week would seem reasonable for this universe. That's sixty hours of training a week. Multiply that by 52 and you get 3120 hours a year, times three again, equals 9360 hours total. In fairness, let's do that number down to an even 3000 for extra breaks and such Jiraiya may make him take.

So, before shadow clones are added you have 3000 hours trained. Even if he only used 100 clones that would be 300000 hours. Going of a ten hour, six day, work week, Naruto would've trained for a little over 96 years. Even if you narrow that down some more we're talking about massive gains. Your story just doesn't live up to that.

Honestly, it was the Yugao ship that had me intrigued, but that's barely touched on so I'm out.
Guest chapter 26 . 1/29
Not enough lemons bro more descriptive lemons in your future stories I'm totally pissed at the end of the story that Sasuke got with Anko for that is blasphemous sacrilege!
Luciendar chapter 3 . 1/28
3 months to finish learning the rasengan? Seriously? A jutsu that he's almost already perfected? That's ridiculous. Especially when he learned the first parts within two weeks.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/21
For fuck's sake, learn how to spell you fucktard.
bibink729 chapter 1 . 12/8/2023
bibink729 chapter 1 . 9/29/2023
KingWriter0 chapter 1 . 9/23/2023
It literally made no sense that Naruto made it to just Chunin after 3 years of training.
Kairan1979 chapter 11 . 7/19/2023
Thanks for the chapter.
Looking forward to see the rescuers facing Sasori and Deidara.
Kairan1979 chapter 10 . 7/19/2023
Kakashi expects Naruto to tell him everything despite barely teaching him anything? The nerve of that man!
97531 chapter 10 . 7/19/2023
I agree with Naruto about Kakashi being a hypocrite.
97531 chapter 2 . 7/19/2023
At least Lakashi had the guts to admit he was wrong.
spiritwolf35 chapter 21 . 7/17/2023
ok I know you said Nagato is an Uzumaki well you forgot to mention Karin is also an Uzumaki but since you made Sasuke escape Orochimaru that means he never recruited her so I doubt now she will even be in it
Godxyz chapter 26 . 5/27/2023
I love this I think he did very good so please continue the good work and make more fanfics
TrumpasaurusRex chapter 8 . 5/17/2023
“ "Naruto, we have one year and a half to teach you how to handle suiton ninjutsu. ”

Nonsense. Naruto learned wind element in a month in canon. Given that’s his primary element, I’d say it would take longer for any other element.
But with shadow clones, he can master any element in months. Using hundreds of shadow clones, it gives years worth of subjective time to study.
This fic heavily nerfs Naruto.
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